Queen Anne High School Class Page  

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Class Information

CLASS COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM: To see your graduation program, click here.

Classmate Status

NEARBY CLASSMATES: To find classmates living nearby, by the country, state & city/town, click here.

DECEASED CLASSMATES: To view a listing of your deceased classmates so as to be able to honor dear friends, click here.

MISSING CLASSMATES: Help us find our missing classmates! To view your classmates for whom we have no current contact information, click here.

Voluntary Web Directory

Many alumni have requested an e-mail directory so as to be able to contact "lost" friends. We hope to enable many side conversations and some mini-reunions.

Wary of "spamming," the QAHSAA Board has agreed to provide such a directory with the reservations that only those who complete the Directory Sign-up Form or e-mail us with express permission to post their names and e-mail addresses will be added to the directory. Please use the sign-up form to also make corrections (such as e-mail changes) or to remove yourself. To return to the main Directory page, click here.

NOTE: To send an e-mail to a classmate, replace the " [at] " in the listed e-mail address with a "@" and replace the " dot " with "." to make the e-mail address valid. This has been done to reduce SPAM.

Name E-mail Address Comment Updated
David "Dave" Barter hoalike5 [at] gmail dot com Retired in 1998 and moved to the North Shore of Oahu in 1999 still surfing and playing lots of golf 7/8/2008
Donna (Berkebile) Lium djlium [at] aol dot com Sierra Vista, AZ. We live near Ft. Huachuca. My husband Gary is retired military. Sierra Vista is 75 miles SE of Tucson. We are 4600 feet high elevation, so we are not as hot as they are. We average about 5 degrees cooler than Tucson. 6/2/2023
Marilyn (Burwell) Lloyd Marilynmllyd [at] aol dot com Stockton, CA. Retired 1-31-03. 8/3/2005
Robert "Bob" Catton bobcatton [at] yahoo dot com I enjoy it when my QA license plate holder causes other Grizzlies to start a conversation...you might like it, too. 3/28/2016
Mike Clancy mtclancy39 [at] comcast dot net Now live in Olympia, Wa. My wife and I are closer to our grandchildren. 360-753-1259 6/9/2007
Christopher C. "Chris" (Cook) McDonough rudyboy dot mcdonough [at] gmail dot com Currently reside in Pineville, NC near Charlotte.
Married with two children and four grandchildren. Changed adopted name of Cook back to biological father's name following graduation from the University of Washington in 1962. Married my wife Diane in 1965 and celebrated our 50th anniversary last year. Moved from Seattle in 1966 and worked in real estate sales and then in the development of an industrial park near Memphis, TN. For twenty years worked for a major pharmaceutical company in sales, state government affairs, national accounts and corporate accounts. I then managed several limited services hotels in Colorado and California from 1995 to 2006. Retired in 2009 from Lash Group Health Care Consultants in Charlotte. Begin a new career in 2016 having been elected to the Pineville, NC town council. Life is good and a continuing to be an adventure.
John Dahlbeck johndahlbeck9 [at] gmail dot com Ocean Shores WA 1/6/2025
Carl W Elliott elliottcw [at] yahoo dot com Retired in 2008 at age 67. 2/7/2023
Camille A. "Cam" (Forgues) Christensen camchris202000 [at] yahoo dot com 22 years purchasing agent with Weyerhaeuser retired early 1998. Married my sweetie May 1999 we traveled Tahiti. Italy. Switzerland. France and spent 6 winters in Baja. This year I had back surgery but I'm doing great now. We spend our Fall fishing on the Alsea River near Waldpoet Oregon for Salmon, crabbing, clamming and hunting the wild chantrelles, life is sweet! Love to get e-mails from my friends. 8/6/2008
Gordon Fouts desertwine40 [at] gmail dot com Retired 2006 still brokering from AZ. plan to move to east wentchee to b with my M&M'S. MADDY 16 MEGAN 13 MIKENZIE 7. AZ is good and sunny but miss my M&M"S 3/27/2016
Richard Geehan rgeehan [at] cox dot net Scottsdale, AZ 8/3/2005
Sharon (Gilbert) Hodgson shodgson218 [at] icloud dot com 3/31/2008
Tom Greytak greytak [at] mit dot edu Chestnut Hill, MA 1/17/2006
Marilyne B. "Meri" (Gundram) England minnieme2 [at] aol dot com 9/28/2009
Marian (Hailey) Moss marianhm [at] verizon dot net Be Vegan Bring Peace. www.marianhaileymoss.weebly.com 11/25/2024
Judy A. (Haynes) Templeton Donner jinmoses [at] hotmail dot com Love my life in Eastern Washington with my husband Bruce and our Bernedoodle, Ziggy. 2/7/2023
Sharon F (Heyes) McKenzie momosamiam [at] gmail dot com I have now moved to Cocoa Beach Florida and am living in a cottage with my cat, Little Orphan Annie. 7/3/2024
Janet (Kirtley) Hannaford janhanna2 [at] aol dot com 8/3/2005
John R Knight jrknight737 [at] gmail dot com 10/31/2014
Gary H McBride garyhmcbride [at] comcast dot net Retired. Living in CT. 3/6/2007
Arline c (Mock) Parker archgirl1940 [at] aol dot com 8/8/2006
Roy W Nelson roy [at] nelsontruck dot com still working after 52 years with seven children, seven college degrees and two masters(thats the reason I am still working) and nine grandchildren. 6/21/2008
Linda Ann "Linda" Page richlandcatz [at] gmail dot com I'm blissfully retired with my beloved, Ron Shanks, in Richland, WA, since 1999. We LOVE to hear from old friends…and to have summer visitors, too. Give us an "e"! 1/30/2024
Edwin R. Schnebele ejschneb [at] msn dot com 8/3/2005
George C "George" Smith gcsmith [at] inbox dot com Tampa, FL 8/5/2009
Jan (Sumbardo) Rothwell jandjrothwell [at] comcast dot net Bothell, WA. 11/19/2021
Bob Taylor taylorrl40 [at] msn dot com Oak Harbor, WA 8/3/2005
Carol A. (Tourville) Sterley sterleys [at] comcast dot net Retired from the Boeing company in 2002. Now volunteering at the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden. 2/9/2008
Nancy (Trout) Gould-Hilliard nancygouldhilliard [at] gmail dot com Retired to Covenant Shores on Mercer Island in 2024 6/29/2024
Vicky (Weiss) Foreman vforeman12 [at] gmail dot com 10/7/2005
Linda M. (Williams) Clugston lindaclugston [at] comcast dot net 6/13/2013
Patty (Wilson) Faller fallerp98 [at] gmail dot com 8/3/2005
Barbara (Wilson) Nelson barnel1940 [at] gmail dot com Vashon Island, WA. QAHSAA President 8/3/2005