Queen Anne High School Class Page  

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Class Information

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Classmate Status

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DECEASED CLASSMATES: To view a listing of your deceased classmates so as to be able to honor dear friends, click here.

MISSING CLASSMATES: Help us find our missing classmates! To view your classmates for whom we have no current contact information, click here.

Voluntary Web Directory

Many alumni have requested an e-mail directory so as to be able to contact "lost" friends. We hope to enable many side conversations and some mini-reunions.

Wary of "spamming," the QAHSAA Board has agreed to provide such a directory with the reservations that only those who complete the Directory Sign-up Form or e-mail us with express permission to post their names and e-mail addresses will be added to the directory. Please use the sign-up form to also make corrections (such as e-mail changes) or to remove yourself. To return to the main Directory page, click here.

NOTE: To send an e-mail to a classmate, replace the " [at] " in the listed e-mail address with a "@" and replace the " dot " with "." to make the e-mail address valid. This has been done to reduce SPAM.

Name E-mail Address Comment Updated
Tom Ahlers tom_ahlers [at] comcast dot net 6/22/2013
Jackie A. (Armstrong) Aaby two dot aabys [at] comcast dot net Retired after 26 years as Project Manager at The Boeing company. Three kids, 5 grandchildren (hopefully more to come; love retirement, entertaining grandkids and traveling with husband Steve. 7/30/2006
Kathi (Barrett) Hamilton kathihamilton [at] comcast dot net Graduated WSU, worked in Germany and Illinois. Returned to NW and married Tom in 1976 - six kids and 12 grandkids later, still enjoying life. Retired from Boeing. Still very involved in Girl Scouts. Family, volunteering, travel, photography, paper arts and time with friends keeps life very busy...don't know how I ever had time to work! Enjoy connecting with old friends. 10/9/2011
Eugene M "Gene" Bergman genb61 [at] gmail dot com Moved from Minnesota to a small town in North Central Arkansas November of 2023. Bought a house here in May this year. This place is focused on Bluegrass and Old Time music and so far we've fit right in! Bless ya'all! 6/28/2024
John D Blakeley BlakeleyJD [at] aol dot com Enjoying retirement, spending time between Arizona and the PNW. 11/15/2021
Joseph F "Joe" Bruce jboflpd [at] aol dot com Went on active duty with the US Navy June 20,64 and did a tour of duty in Viet Nam from 11-65 - 12-66. Honorable Discharge Jan. 67. Enlisted in USMC July 67 and second tour of duty in Viet Nam 11-67 - 12-68 with 2nd Btn. 9th Marines Golf Co 3rd Marine Division. Honorable Discharge May 70. Joined the Lynnwood Police Department Feb. 71 and retired from there on April 1, 2004. Earned an AA Degree from Evt.CC in Criminal Justice in June 73 and a BA in Law and Justice from CWU in June 82. Still raise, breed and train Appys. 4/18/2008
Helena A (Butterfield) Rowse hbrowse [at] Hotmail dot com Retired. Residences in WA & CA. Widowed Dec 2021 after 36 year marriage to Brian. 20 year career in health care industry and 10 years in small business mfg. My family, friends, pets and travels (mostly) towards sunshine keep me grounded, active and busy. 2/19/2023
Sally (Bykerk) Brown slb4you2000 [at] yahoo dot com Living in Anacortes now for 6 years. It is good to back in the San Juans. My children are living all over the place. Ted live in River Falls Wisconsin- one son Anders. , Sucia lives in Spokane with 2 kids-twins Mia and James 8 years old, Robyn is now living in Albuquerque New Mexico. \\\ I am healthy and still Kayaking. Go Grizzlies! 2/9/2023
Mike Canan mcanans [at] outlook dot com 2/7/2023
Norm Castillo castillo [at] peak dot org I'm most fortunate to be here. Greatest wife, 4 children, 7 grandchildren. My old website, untouched for yrs, and due for revision, but might give some sense of me: www.normponders.com. I was forced into retirement by IIIB colon cancer. I'm 18 mos out from treatment and holding my own. 7/3/2013
Gerald "Jerry" Cox grumpyrimrockman [at] gmail dot com Retired from Seattle-King County Department of Public Health after almost 33 years of service. 3/2/2025
David Crutcher dmcrutcher [at] comcast dot net Year 2002 saw the passing of my brother Michael, who was two years ahead of me at QA. My spouse, Sarah and I are moving from New Jersey to the Dominican Republic, where Sarah has a large extended family. Hopefully, will find a residence on a good golf course! 6/29/2024
Richard G. Deir richdeir [at] gmail dot com After graduating from Seattle University, I spent 28 yrs active/reserve military and retired a Lieutenant Colonel. Now retired in Bothell after 43 years federal service with the US Army and Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency. 3/28/2016
Kathleen M "Kathy" Edris kathy_dfg [at] hotmail dot com 3/20/2011
Daniel S Flanagan flanagandc5 [at] gmail dot com After graduating UW in 1968, I spent 2 years in Norfolk VA at the Naval Weather Research Facility. I Met my wife Carol there and we moved back to Seattle in 1970 and I went to work for Safeco Insurance. I retired from Safeco in May 2007. Carol and I have two lovely daughters, Shannon and Kerri, and 3 grandsons by Shannon and a granddaughter by Kerri. We presently live in Fishers IN, a suburb of Indianapolis. 3/28/2016
Mike Fowler fowler333 [at] msn dot com 10/29/2010
James L "Jim" Francis jimwendyfrancis [at] rockisland dot com I have retired from being a captain at Continental Airlines and now live in the San Juan Islands. 10/24/2012
Judy A (Fruetel) Donoghue judyirish46 [at] gmail dot com Since the 50 year reunion, I have made a huge life-style change. I sold my house on 7 acres and purchased a condo in downtown Arlington. I value the freedom to come and go as I please. Travel remains a focus, both nationally and internationally, as well as time to pursue time to read, sew quilts, golf, and walk almost anywhere I need to go in town. Life is good!! 6/4/2024
Richard A. "Rich" Gallimore wanrichgal [at] gmail dot com I am now retired after almost 40 years in the elevator business. We (my wife Wanda) and I still live in Gettysburg, PA. We have 2 children and 3 grandchildren. We travel as much as possible and just returned from a 3 week mission trip to Kenya and Tanzania. Hope to be able to get out to Seattle for the 50th renunion. 7/31/2013
Marilyn (Gates) Anderson maranderm [at] comcast dot net I raised two sons on a Poulsbo 5 acre farm. Then I was an elementary/Sped teacher for 20 years.
I have enjoyed international travel and volunteer in the community.
Steve Gove stephen_gove [at] yahoo dot com Retired and living in Arizona 1/28/2016
Jeff F Graham jeffgrahamretired [at] yahoo dot com In 2012, I married Marie. We have much in common with contra and ballroom dancing, lots of hiking and some foreign travel. We are into birding and new volunteer Zoo Ambassadors at Woodland Park Zoo. I am also deeply involved in OPR Primate Rescue on the Board of Directors and as a volunteer with Urban Raptor Conservancy. I participated in the third History of Magnolia book writing about scouting and delivering a weekly newspaper. I enjoy photography and even had a photo published in the Seattle Times weekly photo contest. I also enjoy pickleball. 7/3/2024
Susan (Guion) Swaim jeepmom8 [at] sbcglobal dot net I currently live in Round Rock, Texas, about 20 miles north of Austin. Since Round Rock is mostly sunny, I enjoy being outside gardening, mowing the lawn, etc. I walk a couple miles every day and participate in my daughter's Deep Water Aerobics class. I am in a monthly book club. My son and family also live in the Austin area and I have 2 grandchildren, Mathew (6) and Hannah (4). 11/18/2021
Jacqueline F "Jackie" (Hanes) Nance jnjnance [at] gmail dot com 1/6/2012
Alan A Hemstad alhemstad [at] aol dot com Vietnam vet 67 & 68. Married for over 35 yrs (Barbara) and two sons, one grandchild. Have CPA practice in San Jose, CA 1/17/2014
Dean F. Hobart deanfhobart [at] yahoo dot com Judy Running (Clark) and I got re-acquainted at the 40th Reunion and have been together ever since. Judy will be a grandmother in the Spring of 2013, so we will be getting married in September 2013 in California. I have two grown adult kids and three grandkids. Raced boats for 50 years. Still working at Boeing. 2/20/2013
Marianne L. "Mari" (Hughes) Fritts fritts1218 [at] msn dot com Married Earl 20 years and we are now both happily retired and sharing a total of 4 kids and 7 grandkids. Worked at Weyerhaeuser for 27 years in the Human Resource/IT group. Currently living in Graham, WA during the summer and Scottsdale, AZ in the winter. Enjoy traveling, friends, family, oil painting and other crafty stuff. 8/8/2010
Barbara (James) Tupper bjt521 [at] yahoo dot com 6/29/2024
Martha A. (Jenner) Neyland jerrychallengesn-w [at] msn dot com Married Jerry in 1971; two sons - Gage 32 & Gavin, 29 -both single. Teach 5th grade in the Snoqualmie Valley School District; live on 4 acres where Jerry and I run Challenges Northwest Inc., a leadership development company we founded in 1972; outside interests include church, pottery, reading, writing, outdoor activities, travel, and connecting with family and friends. 8/11/2009
Dennis A. Johnson djohn98012 [at] gmail dot com Back in Seattle area after 21 years roaming, pilot for Navy in Florida, Airborne Freight in Phoenix, District Manager for Federal Express in Texas. Just had 29th Anniversary with Karen. Two children and one grandson. Life is good. Attended Queen Anne only Freshman & Sophmore years 1991 & 1992. Graduated from Shoreline High in 1964. 9/3/2009
Bradley Keil golfonbrad [at] gmail dot com Living in Ballard 5/24/2023
Judy E. (Kinnaird) Drew jedrew [at] comcast dot net 8/7/2006
John B. Knox jbk99 [at] outlook dot com After graduating from the UW School of Business I enjoyed a successful career in accounting/finance and retired as Chief Financial Officer for a global leader in equipment engineering and manufacturing. I have been married to my college sweetheart and BFF for 52 years (she is also a UW grad – College of Engineering). After selling our retirement home in Washington we have moved permanently to Europe to enjoy “our golden years.” We are thoroughly enjoying our lives travelling, meeting interesting people, and having wonderful international friends. And, as we say here in the quartier…la vie est belle! 7/8/2019
Pete Lange kinikia3 [at] comcast dot net 4/11/2014
Robert "Mike" Lantz Need Valid Email Retired Lt. Col. USAFR, flew C-130's and C-141's, retired Attorney, Currently founder and President of Capstone MFG, LLC. Primary product TC Ceramic - Liquid Ceramic Insulation Coating. Sold all over the world. Lived in 6 different countries, traveled to over 70 countries. Traveled about 4 to 5 million miles. 9/20/2012
Lorraine "Rainy" (Linden) Hartt rainhartt [at] yahoo dot com Loving life in the Rocky Mtns. of Montana. Wonderful husband, Rick. 4 great kids and 10 grandkids between us (whew). Still into art, interior design, gardening, hiking, boating on Flathead Lake, and spending as much time as we can in Glacier Natl. Park, which we are fortunate to have in our "back yard!" 4/8/2008
Sharon (Lorentz) Smith shlorsmith [at] comcast dot net 8/24/2009
Sherry L (Lubin) HASSEL sherry dot hassel [at] icloud dot com Sixty years after graduation, Mike and I have settled into our "forever home," very near where I grew up in Magnolia. We are in the stately-sounding Carleton Park Townhomes--which translates to a far less-stately sounding--across from Bartell"s in the Village. We love being near everything the Village has to offer: a Saturday Farmer's Market; lots of restaurants, including the Magnolia Pub, a stone's throw from our front door; and most things within walking distance.

Our daughter, Ellen, and her husband, Alex, have both completed their doctorate and currently reside in Troy, Michigan, with their two young sons, Barney (3 1/2) and Eddie (1 1/2). Life has taken many twists-and-turns over the past 60 years, but we are forever thankful for the excellent education received at Queen Anne and the University of Washington, and the many friends who remain in contact with us.
Stephanie D (Marksbury) Swoboda Swobodas1 [at] yahoo dot com I am retired and have been living in Avondal Arizona for about 13 years. I have four dogs. It gets hot but when Seattle is cold we go out in comfort.
Sally (Mathiasen) Light slight81 [at] mac dot com 10/15/2008
Robert L Mauzay Need Valid Email 2 yrs Army, went to UW/BA in architecture. Retired and am assistant manager of a childcare business-love working with kids! I teach life planning & goal setting at community centers. One son and two grandsons. Live in Seatac. A dream is the beginning of a new reality 1/11/2022
Bobbie A "Barb" (McBride) Stephens Bobbiestephens [at] prodigy dot net 3/28/2016
Marcia McCorkle mccorklem [at] comcast dot net 9/1/2013
Donald R McGill dmcg522 [at] aol dot com 3/28/2016
Patrick McKinney pjmcoe1945 [at] yahoo dot com Left High school, college at Olympic Jr. College. Left to work summers for USFS as a surveyor. Held many ware house jobs. Attended North Idaho college in 79. Received Survey and Drafting Certificate and then to Utah to survey for 6 months. Home started working for the USACE Seattle District as a Hydrographic Surveyor. Became Field Party Chief in 90 and retired in 2008. Am married and living with my wife on Whidbey Island. 4/29/2010
Thomas P. "Tom" Meland tommeland2 [at] gmail dot com Semi-retired, in Clearwater, British Columbia.
Married 40 years, 3 great kids, 5 grandkids.
Anne M "Andi" Minium aminium [at] sbcglobal dot net I have two children and six grandchildren. I am currently working for KBS Realty Advisors in Newport Beach, CA. One of these days I plan on taking the last four classes to get my Bachleor's degree. In the meantime, I am very active in a women's organization, get lots of excercise with the dog and grandkids, and read. 3/13/2009
James E "JIm" Morris jamesemorris206 [at] gmail dot com VietNam Vet(66-67) Retired Police Officer/ Postal Service Supervisor. 3 Children. 2 boys and a girl. 6 grandkids now,3 boy’s and 3 girls. Got married in 2019 and between my wife and me we have 12 grandkids. 7 boy’s and 5 granddaughters. Life is still great…. 11/18/2021
Ward Mundy wardmundy [at] gmail dot com Retired from U.S. Court of Appeals staff in 2002. Now living the gypsy life between Vero Beach and Jacksonville, FL and Charleston, SC and Asheville, NC. Married to Mary Heyward Mundy with 3 daughters: Kristin, Jennifer, and Katherine. Still busy writing the Nerd Vittles technology blog. 11/19/2021
Jo A. (Nazworthy) Boyett joaboyett [at] cs dot com Retired 2013 with 30+ years at Nordstrom. Widowed in 2022 after a Marriage since 1963. We have 2 granddaughters Tamika, Kylie and one great granddaughter Lakira. 2/7/2023
James A "Jim" Nelson bossfifty [at] aol dot com Now ‘really’ retired at The Hills, Texas. We eased out of city government and new automobile testing / reporting at the end of 2022. Married to my best friend - Linda Water Nelson - for 30 years, our blended family consists of four children, 10 grandchildren and one great grandchild. We are also doting ‘furbaby’ parents of Fred our ‘Morkie’ (Maltese Yorkie) senior pup. Not dead yet, we are poking around looking for the next adventure opportunity. 2/7/2023
Marguerite A "Maggie" (Nichols) Birch maggie dot qa46 [at] gmail dot com From 1967 to 2007 I worked as a credit and collection manager.
Love to read and travel. Greatest trip was to walk on the Great Wall of China. Have also been volunteer at the Ballard Boys and Girls Club plus being a member of the QAHS Alumni Board. Best of all enjoying life.
Terry Nyman forcleanair [at] yahoo dot com 8/3/2005
Richard A "Dick" Paulson Jr rapjrii [at] yahoo dot com WSU ‘68. U.S. Navy pilot. Retired after 30 year flying career with American Airlines. Now living full time in Fort Myers, Florida. 2/7/2023
Carolyn (Peck) Cuningham Need Valid Email Camano Island, WA 12/5/2006
Nancy Pennington nancypennington29 [at] gmail dot com Living in boulder, CO. Two sons, two husbands. Retired from university teaching. Now hiking, traveling, writing and having fun. 7/31/2014
Frank L Powley fpowley [at] gmail dot com Currently living near Copenhagen, Denmark where I have worked as a journalist since the mid-70s, including a long stint as Nordic news editor for the Associated Press (AP) news agency. Now semi-retired, but still working as a freelancer. Upon graduation from QA in 1964, I returned to my native Canada where I attended university in Ottawa and later in Vancouver, B.C. I left Canada in 1974 to join and eventually marry a Danish woman. 5/30/2012
Sandar R "Sandi" (Raphael) Warshal sandar dot warshal [at] ntlworld dot com I moved to London UK in 1971 with my husband Steve Warshal also of Seattle. We both found interesting jobs ( I am a librarian ) and travelled a lot for 10 years- Africa , Asia and China. We had 2 children in 1980-83 and are now grandparents to 4 kids. I am loving retirement and have taken up drawing and painting-a long held dream. 2/8/2023
Nanette J. (Reinbolt) Heffner wallynan [at] earthlink dot net Graduated from the UW in 1968, married my husband Walt in 1967. We have a wonderful daughter and two grandchildren. I retired last year to open an antique shop in downtown Poulsbo. 11/12/2005
Gary M (Torgrimson) Raymond gmraymond2 [at] comcast dot net Graduated UW, June 2008, with MS degree in Applied Mathematics.
Work at Department of Bioengineering, UW. Published research in Oceanography, Metabolism, Fractal Time Series. Active in the Parkinson's Disease community for five years now raising for APDA and NWPF. Married to my best friend, Michele. Two sons, one daughter-in-law, and one cat. Pax vobiscum.
Anthony M "Tony" Torohoff torohoff [at] comcast dot net 5/18/2014
Peter B Truax pbtfg [at] aol dot com I served 13 years as Mayor of the City of Forest Grove, Oregon, and did not seek re-election this past November, thus ending 22 years of elective service. Among the accomplishments as Mayor was facilitating a unanimous vote by our city council to endorse a city mural acknowledging that we are the land of the Kalapuya and Atfalati. This was one of the first steps our council took in the promotion and education with relation to diversity, equity and inclusion.
I still live in Forest Grove with my wife of 54 years, Pat, and we dote on our two granddaughters who live in Las Vegas, Nevada, with their father, James, who teaches in that quiet little town. Out other son, John, works with housing construction in Portland. Life is good
Gary L Van Hollebeke GaryVanHollebeke [at] Juno dot com God Bless all of you. 4/8/2008
Tony Venable TVenable [at] msn dot com 3/30/2013
Jo "JoJo" (Wayt) Johnson joellynjohnson57 [at] gmail dot com Moved to Everett, WA. Retired. Enjoying seeing my QA friends at the Luncheons (Spring & Fall), QA Summer Picnic, being on the QAHS Aumni Board. I have 3 sons (Everett, Corpus Christi, TX & Freeland (Whidbey Island). Two Granddaughters (Philipsburg, MT & South Whidbey). Come to the many QA activities and rekindle QA friendships from many classes. 2/21/2013
Stephanie (Westberg) Cross steph dot cross2 [at] gmail dot com 7/2/2013
Carole A (White) Zimmerman candf42 [at] msn dot com 5/29/2009
Glenda E (Wonders) Specht Iceangel222 [at] msn dot com Retired, RV'ing and loving life. 7/18/2016