Queen Anne High School Class Page  

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Class Information

CLASS COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM: To see your graduation program, click here.

Classmate Status

NEARBY CLASSMATES: To find classmates living nearby, by the country, state & city/town, click here.

DECEASED CLASSMATES: To view a listing of your deceased classmates so as to be able to honor dear friends, click here.

MISSING CLASSMATES: Help us find our missing classmates! To view your classmates for whom we have no current contact information, click here.

Voluntary Web Directory

Many alumni have requested an e-mail directory so as to be able to contact "lost" friends. We hope to enable many side conversations and some mini-reunions.

Wary of "spamming," the QAHSAA Board has agreed to provide such a directory with the reservations that only those who complete the Directory Sign-up Form or e-mail us with express permission to post their names and e-mail addresses will be added to the directory. Please use the sign-up form to also make corrections (such as e-mail changes) or to remove yourself. To return to the main Directory page, click here.

NOTE: To send an e-mail to a classmate, replace the " [at] " in the listed e-mail address with a "@" and replace the " dot " with "." to make the e-mail address valid. This has been done to reduce SPAM.

Name E-mail Address Comment Updated
Bob Aiken aiksinaz [at] gmail dot com Full time resident in Surprise AZ, outside of Phoenix. Still involved with baseball and golf with some community politics and volunteering thrown in. Good health to all. 2/21/2025
Linda A (Anderson) Wilson spacemt1 [at] aol dot com 2/23/2009
Richard F "Dick" Anderwald dickanderwald [at] comcast dot net My wife, Janis, and I have been married since 1968. I retired in 2012 after a 40-year career in city planning. We live in Colorado Springs, CO and enjoy volunteer work, golf and travel. We have two daughters and six grandchildren. 6/28/2024
Karen M (Benson) Purkey basketsofjoy [at] gmail dot com My husband, Ed, and I now live in Sonoma, CA in the heart of the wine country. Our children and grandchildren live in the Bay area. 2/27/2015
Michael "Mick" Bonar mickinmt [at] gmail dot com After graduation worked for Foss Tug, then Corpsman in the Navy, back to Foss then Olympic Hotel & Ace Van& Storage back to Foss ,united van & storage, & married Linda Bowman in Seattle, moved to Montana & Started Bonar Transport, now 2016 retired to fishing for 5 lbs rainbows. 7/27/2016
Garry M. Breitstein gmbreit [at] aol dot com Retired in 2001 from Seattle Schools, divide my time between homes in Seattle and the south of France. Have one adopted child who will graduate from Ballard High. 10/22/2009
Tom Bright tomwbright [at] gmail dot com 9/9/2011
Raylah E (Burns) Holm raylah [at] aol dot com 11/1/2008
Dorothy L "Dorothy" (Byers) Salmon d5847y [at] aol dot com The QA 60th reunion for the class of 65 is August 2nd at the Seattle Yacht Club from 12:00 to 3:00. More details on costs, directions and other opportunities to come. Check www.qagrizzlies.org/reunions.htm 6/28/2024
Carl A. Case bajabound3 [at] hotmail dot com when is the next reunion? Please put me on the mailing list. 8/10/2009
Paul M Christensen paul98342 [at] yahoo dot com Living in Poulsbo, WA again and enjoying retired life and my grandkids. 11/15/2021
John R "Bob" Clark johnrclark [at] comcast dot net I am a neurologist in Spokane for the last 30 years. Graduated from WSU(1969) and UW Medical School (1973). Now a widower. One child and one grandchild. Looking to retire from practice in one year. Perhaps move back to the Seattle area. 4/29/2008
Thomas "Tom" Coleman trc1coleman68 [at] gmail dot com 1/11/2022
Lynn (Dalton) Halstead Need Valid Email Still kicking around the Seattle area. Married, not long enough only 35 years, now widowed. Retired accountant. The dog and I enjoy the quieter life. 11/11/2012
Ann (Davis) Douvis Need Valid Email 1/14/2025
Conrad W Denke Conrad [at] VictoryStudios dot com Live in Seattle and Los Angeles. Own Victory Studios in both places. Happily Married, 2 children and 4 grandchildren. Making films. 1/4/2009
David M. "Mike" Devine sheryldevine62 [at] gmail dot com Retired living in Port Angeles, Washington. 6/22/2015
Andrea "Andi" DuFlon laughing dot water [at] att dot net My class of '64 graduated while I was in Germany as the QA exchange student, so I still feel part of '64. BA Mills College,'69; MA JFK University,'07. Retired graphic designer; sculptor; and now a psychotherapist in Berkeley CA. Widowed in '03; one daughter,38; remarried in April 2011. 6/8/2011
Linda M (Duncan) Grier-Dolstad lindadolstad [at] gmail dot com I'm alive and well and no longer missing! Living in Kirkland. 9/9/2011
Margo "A" (Feralio) Widmark Need Valid Email I am currently living in Seattle. I am looking for people I went to school with or those who remember my brothers or sister all attended QA, 8/6/2008
Don Fyall dfyall [at] comcast dot net 11/26/2007
Susan (Gardner) Lucier susan [at] susanlucier dot com I have lived in the Bay Area (CA) since 1984; love my Queen Anne roots and friends (and classmates, no matter how slim the connection). Always buoyed by the KUAY Newsletter with reports of career and family accomplishments; saddened by the loss of our classmates. Retired from corporate finance work; currently Patient Navigator and Cancer Coach.
Bill E. Greenway GREENWAY_9 [at] MSN dot COM I would like to hear from Queen Anne Alums - we didn't know it was "Happy Days" did we? Married 25 years, 2 children. Am managing commercial prop after Nordstrom years. 8/30/2007
Adrienne A (Greer) Coltrain adriennecoltrain [at] me dot com 2/28/2014
Russell G "Russ" Guppy Russguppy [at] gmail dot com 2/6/2023
Jerry Harke harkestwo [at] gmail dot com After high school I worked for Boeing 9 months before being drafted and when I was listed as 1A I used it to get in to the Navy and four years in the submarine service. Then school for a two year degree in aviation maintenance. After that 35 & 1/2 years at Boeing. I married in 1982 to Linda and we had 40 wonderful years together but but on 9/11 of this year she went to be with Christ in heaven so I am now a widower. 1/21/2023
Cindy (Hedreen) Peach pcynjo [at] gmail dot com Ronald, WA 10/30/2005
Roger C. Heffelfinger randcheff [at] comcast dot net 2/23/2007
Edward M. "Ed" Howey ed [at] howey dot us I disappeared from NW for 23 yrs until I retired from the Coast Guard as LCDR in 1989, married 34 yrs, two grown sons, now divorced, owned Seattle real estate brokerage till 2008, and living in Edmonds. 11/13/2009
Robert C. "Bob" Hunter rc dot hunter [at] comcast dot net More Miles Davis than Beatles these days, but still lovin'life and memories of my classmates. In Marin County since '82, still a partner in an investment advisory practice, I founded, and emeritus as co-founder of an afterschool program for disadvantaged kids. Married Virginia Flores, whom I met in Mexico City, in 2001. My daughter Maggie lives in Davis CA with her husband Dylan and son Louie. 6/29/2024
Peter H jacobsen jacobsenph [at] gmail dot com Retired from Weyerhaeuser. Living in Camano Island Wa. 2/7/2023
William M. "Bill" James billjamesccim [at] gmail dot com Living in Denver since 1976 with wife Donna. After a degree at UW and a couple of years in the US Army in Stuttgart, I started a commercial real estate appraisal and consulting career with a well-known firm back in Seattle and later opened an office for the firm in Anchorage. After a couple years in each place, I settled in Denver and opened my own firm. Later I was publicly elected to the Board of Directors of Denver's Regional Transportation District. Now I have sold/merged the firm with a commercial real estate company and look forward to retirement. 3/1/2024
Arnold Jenkins Need Valid Email Retired living in Powell, Wyoming 1/20/2015
Sandra L. "Sandy" (johnson) Krutsinger Sandykruts [at] outlook dot com Now Married to Phil Krutsinger Class of 63. memnber of QA Alumni board 10/13/2009
Katherine (Jones) March kmarch [at] marchpoint dot club Katherine and Bob met at 20th reunion and married in 1986. 8/3/2005
Carol Ann (Kaiser) Krummel cakaiser797 [at] comcast dot net Seattle, WA 10/30/2005
Claudia L. (Kettles) Lovgren claudialovgren [at] hotmail dot com 4/21/2013
Kathy D. (Kirtley) Aversano kathyaversano [at] comcast dot net Looking for old friends. 3/12/2011
Bob March n7ua01 [at] gmail dot com Katherine and Bob met at 20th reunion and married in 1986. 11/19/2021
Jim McMullen hjm9318 [at] yahoo dot com Lone Tree, CO 3/14/2015
Melvin D. McNichols Need Valid Email I was quiet, a bit of a athlete (track) and one of the 'brainy' kids when at QA, and am now retired after a career as (ready for this crazy stuff?) a proud U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer, a university professor (LA City College, USC, and ('the') Ohio State University, and an Arabian horse breeding and training manager. I'm now living in Salem, Oregon near my two sons, my daughters-in-law, a brood of wonderful grandchildren, and the biggest collection of our family to live the same place since the Depression. QA is gone, but when I check Google Maps, I still see the QA name on the building. Gives me goosebumps. I would love to hear from old classmates. 1/8/2023
Donald H. "Don" Meyers Need Valid Email Happily married for 47 years and living in Laurelhusrt, Seattle. 3 beautiful daughters, one in Yuma AZ, one in Roseville, CA, one still here in Seattle. 3 Granddaughters, 2 grandsons. Retired from the Seattle Police Department in June of '94. Life has been good! 10/1/2024
Sandra J "Sandy" (Moffat) Unruh Need Valid Email 6/29/2024
Neva (Nelms) Franks nevafranks [at] gmail dot com Happily married to Howard (Shoreline High School '63), parents of four sons and grandparents to four boys and two girls. For thirty-five years I was a childbirth educator/doula/lactation consultant. We're now retired and love to camp, boat and travel. We live in the Arlington area and if anyone wants to reconnect, I'd love to hear from you. 6/25/2015
Linda (Nelson) Prime lmprime [at] hotmail dot com Would love to hear from anyone from 1963-1966 who would remember me from the band or orchestra. I'm still playing flute, and still in Seattle area. 6/8/2022
Gregory "Gregg" Noord GHN111 [at] aol dot com 11/28/2021
Gary G Olson Rcman_gary [at] aol dot com Still live in the greater seattle area. Retired from banking after 40 years of service. I miss the good old days. Dags drive in. Watching the tv towers during the earthquake. Lake hills roller rink with maralee and the turnabout and more. Did not have a great number of friends but the ones l had were genuine. Thanks for the memories.
James Pearce jpearce [at] straub dot net 4/30/2010
Susan D. "Sue" (Pennington) Merry susanpmerry [at] gmail dot com After being away from the Seattle area for more than 40 years, we retired to Whidbey Island in 2012. 3/15/2015
Judy J. (Peterson) Jones gramabug dot jones [at] gmail dot com Retired after 27 years working for US Navy (Civil Service). Living in Renton, WA. Have 2 children & 8 beautiful grandchildren. Love to hear from any QA '65 grads. 8/13/2011
Kathy G (Plank) Calvin stevencalvin [at] bellsouth dot net We are now retired, and now have 13 grandchildren since we acquired three step grandchildren, and we have two beautiful little girls that are great grandchildren. We are still in Georgia and I still love the sunshine, but I do miss the beauty of Seattle. 6/30/2024
Sue (Renard) Robinson suerenardrobinson [at] gmail dot com Retired and living in Wenatchee, WA, land of abundant fruit! We love it here. I would love to hear from friends when at QAHS for junior high! I still remember a lot of faces. 11/19/2021
William "Bill" Russell freedombill [at] aptalaska dot net Retired and fishing in Alaska 3/17/2006
Sandra (Rustuen) Smith captstwo [at] outlook dot com Many changes in the last three years. My husband of 40 years, Earle, passed in 2019. I sold my house in Port Orchard, WA and purchased a small house in the Summerland area of Las Vegas in July of 2020. Summers are hot, but I wake up to sun almost every day and I don’t have to shovel snow! Also, I take off one month each summer to stay with family/friends in Washington state. Looking forward to our 60th Class Reunion. Thank you to Erica (Hokanson) Michels & Dorothy (Byers) Salmon for volunteering to select the date & location of our 60th Reunion! Rich Golze, Claudia (Kettles) Lovgren & I will continue to help with the reunion in any way we can. 3/1/2023
Joseph M "Joe" Salisbury smokinj [at] bresnan dot net Retired Musician,Mechanic,Merchandise Manager,Fly Fishing Guide and general scofflaw. moved to Missoula, Montana in 1988 and been loving life ever since. 11/2/2018
Kurt Schnebele kschneb [at] netscape dot net UW (Oceanography) and then into NOAA Corps in lieu of the 'draft lottery' which I'd won in 1970. Retired to Monterey, CA, in 2008 after assignments around the US and worldwide at sea. Now been married 44+ years to Arlene from Pittsburgh, PA. Two married daughters -- in Katy TX and Springfield VA -- with five grandsons. As Covid passes on, restarting volunteer work and traveling. It's all good for us and hope the same for you. 11/16/2021
Morgan B. Seeley mseeley [at] alumni dot brown dot edu I went to QA in the 7th and 9th grades. I played tuba in the orchestra and band and ran cross-country and track. I was part of the group from John Hay. Then my family moved to the Bay Area, where I suffered through three years of Palo Alto High School. I moved back to Washington in 1982, spent almost 30 years on Bainbridge Island (almost as bad as “Paly High”), and am now living in a little house overlooking Dabob Bay on Hood Canal. I would be very happy to hear from anyone who remembers me from the time before the Space Needle. 11/16/2021
Charles "Chuck" Sharin camarosrus [at] gmail dot com ILWU longshore member Marine Clerk on the Seattle waterfront. Married 68-78. No kids. U.S.Army Viet-Nam 68
still obsessed with car stuff/collect classic Camaros
If the search for me grows cold, come visit at Mt Tahoma National Cemetary
Greg Shaw gregshaw [at] windermere dot com 8/3/2005
Maria (Siguenza) Scott pebleez [at] gmail dot com 10/16/2010
Jacquie J (Smith) Weiss Need Valid Email 1/30/2024
Kaye-Elizabeth "Libby" (Stearns) Stephens kayeace1 [at] hotmail dot com Leonardo, N.J. 8/3/2005
Dan Steuernagel dankurts [at] comcast dot net 5/23/2014
Robert N. Summers bob dot summers [at] hotmail dot com Still kickin 3/20/2015
Betty J. "BJ" (Sylvester) Hoogerwerf bjhoogerwerf [at] hotmail dot com Graduated from the University of Washington School of Nursing and am still practicing as a certified registered nurse first assistant in the operating room in Everett, WA. Married with four married children and five grandchildren. Living on Whidbey Island. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Fall reunion. 8/16/2010
Francine E Walls Francine dot Walls [at] Comcast dot net 7/25/2006
Bonnie J "Bonnie" (Watne) Wilmot bjjwilmot [at] comcast dot net I am currently married to Jerry Wilmot; I have 3 children and he has 2. Together we have 8 grandchildren. I am twice retired, once from GMAC and a second time from Spokane Community College. We enjoy biking, skiiing (snow & water) and playing with our grandchildren. I love meeting with my "Sassy Sisters" (friends I have known since NQA grade school), Janice Cameron Case, Sharon DeMello Stanford & Francine Walls. We travel to various locations every year. 4/4/2016
June (Weeks) Carney pashioned [at] gmail dot com 2/7/2023
Arlene F (Wicklund) Atchison gaatchison [at] comcast dot net 11/18/2012
Donna (Wilson) Kennedy dekw0914 [at] yahoo dot com 11/16/2021