Queen Anne High School Class Page  

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Class Information

CLASS COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM: To see your graduation program, click here.

Classmate Status

NEARBY CLASSMATES: To find classmates living nearby, by the country, state & city/town, click here.

DECEASED CLASSMATES: To view a listing of your deceased classmates so as to be able to honor dear friends, click here.

MISSING CLASSMATES: Help us find our missing classmates! To view your classmates for whom we have no current contact information, click here.

Voluntary Web Directory

Many alumni have requested an e-mail directory so as to be able to contact "lost" friends. We hope to enable many side conversations and some mini-reunions.

Wary of "spamming," the QAHSAA Board has agreed to provide such a directory with the reservations that only those who complete the Directory Sign-up Form or e-mail us with express permission to post their names and e-mail addresses will be added to the directory. Please use the sign-up form to also make corrections (such as e-mail changes) or to remove yourself. To return to the main Directory page, click here.

NOTE: To send an e-mail to a classmate, replace the " [at] " in the listed e-mail address with a "@" and replace the " dot " with "." to make the e-mail address valid. This has been done to reduce SPAM.

Name E-mail Address Comment Updated
Gary "Gare" (Apsel) Simpson garysimpson [at] cox dot net My last name in school was Apsel. I used my stepfathers last name. I now live in Chandler, Arizona. My wifes name is Diana. We have been togheter since December, 1989. I sell real estate. She owns a private hair salon. Life is good! 11/6/2005
Harry Brandes A1mekanic [at] aol dot com saw some familiar names,thought i would say hello

john garbe,bill leak,susan hamrick,alan mcmurray
Janis M. (Bridges) Jenkins janisjenkins [at] hotmail dot com Married to Lowell Jenkins ('60) 4 adult children and 6 grandkids. Now living on Camano Island. 3/27/2016
Mark H. Covey markhcovey [at] gmail dot com Hey to all my "69" classmated. I reside in Richmond, VA with my wife Kathy. My 2 sons live near Seattle. We now have 4 fantastic grandkids. 11/19/2021
Lee Cowan Need Valid Email Santa Clara,CA married 34 years, 3 daughters, son & grandson. 7/17/2022
Wm. Rory "Rory" Crowder RoryCrowder [at] yahoo dot com After Living on QA and Magnolia for a lot of years, now living In Oakland, California, married to childhood first crush :) Shannon Rubicam ['69], two great kids, inventor of software programs to visualize stock market trends [Stockalizer] & black box stock market money management programs [Change Point Analytics] to time the stock market, UW and Evergreen grad... Wishing you all well ~ our class was an extraordingary group, fun to think of.. 10/30/2012
D Richard Dance alanrdance [at] gmail dot com Married 39 years, 8 kids, 5 married, 3 to go, 15 grandkids. Lived for 35 years in Bellevue. Just moved in July of 2012 to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. CPA in tax mitigation, real estate, and alternative investments. Just chosen by CDA Chamber of Commerce to be sponsored triathlete for 2013. Blog daily about training and life in general at cdatriathlon.blogspot.com Stop by if you are in town. We are 8 miles north of I-90 in Hayden. 2/27/2013
Tim Donohue timdonohue [at] aol dot com Udub 73. US Navy fighter pilot 73-79. Retired (2014) Captain with United Airlines in San Francisco. Married to Dorothy McMichael Holy Names 69. 3/28/2016
Carla (Driggers) Kirch carlakirch [at] hotmail dot com I retired from Seattle Schools in 2015. Still live in Edmonds. My daughter and her husband and my only grandchild (13 yrs) live in Everett 6/28/2024
Jim Eicher Eich007 [at] aol dot com Bellevue, WA 8/3/2005
Kathy (Fackerell) Heinemann Kheinemann369 [at] gmail dot com My husband and I live in the Phoenix valley. We are a blended family with 3 adult children and 3 grandchildren. I enjoyed a career in the Human Resources field for more than 25 years, followed by being a Realtor in Sun Lakes, AZ. 6/29/2024
Marsha (Finkel) Dettorre marshadettorre [at] gmail dot com 6/29/2024
Gail A (Fleury) Holt gail dot holt51 [at] gmail dot com 2/24/2023
Karen A (Fouts) Moore kak50 [at] embarqmail dot com I am presently living in Poulsbo enjoy gardening, family, and church activities. 10/18/2007
Fred W. Gallimore Gallimore123 [at] comcast dot net Retired and moved to Hansville, WA. 6/12/2019
John Garbe john_garbe [at] hotmail dot com 4/22/2006
Mike Gove akmike2wi [at] sbcglobal dot net 20 Years in the military, (USMC/Army) from graduation in 69. Remember Ron Comfort, Fred Gallimore,Bob Tarcea,(grade school at N.Queen Anne). John Taylor, Danny Peterson, Byron Henshaw, Warren Johnson at QA. 20 years in Alaska,now in Wisconsin. 3/30/2011
Marcia A. (Gowey) Townsend marciatown [at] gmail dot com Bill and I were married 37 years before he passed away Christmas Eve 2020. Bill took early retirement in 2002 and we moved to Whidbey Island. We have 3 children, 6 grandchildren, and 1 great grandson born just after Bill died. I continue to be active in our church, recently all in person rather virtually. 3/13/2022
Harland "Lou" Hambrecht louham91151 [at] yahoo dot com We have retired to Arizona almost full time and have become Pickleball fanatics. We travel back to Washington in the summer to visit families to cool off. Our daughter is a NICU nurse at children’s and we are still waiting for a grandchild. 2/7/2023
Susan L (Hamrick) McMurray Suemc98 [at] yahoo dot com 8/17/2009
Norman D "Norm" Hardy normhardy33 [at] outlook dot com Married Karen (Dupper QA75) 7/11/1981. Karen passed away in August of 2015. I retired in 2018 after 43 years as a HS math teacher and soccer coach, the last 33 at Seattle Prep. I remarried in September of 2018 to Paula Sadler and live in Goodyear, AZ. 11/16/2021
Sharon (Harris) Fernandes esseff [at] comcast dot net Still married to Alan (53 years now) w/2 kids, Roxanne and Tony. Rox is married with a son, Sam who is 11. Tony is single and a Captain in the US Space Force stationed in Colorado. I write a legal reference manual and web site in the field of workers' compensation. Alan & I live in Colorado where both our kids now preside. 2/7/2023
Sonia (Hatfield) Tress bstressy [at] comcast dot net Retired after teaching in the Everett SD for 19 years. I lived & taught in Australia for 23 1/2 yrs after graduation at WWU. Currently living in Lynnwood. I'd love to catch up with band members from '66-'99. 11/15/2021
Elaine l Hellem prairiechick7 [at] hotmail dot com 3/16/2011
Carroll R. Hershey carroll dot hershey [at] gmail dot com Gig Harbor, WA. After being away from the area since 1975, have finally returned to roots. Nice to be closer to daughter, and many QA classmates 11/7/2022
Muriel (Hildreth) McBride rbeemer [at] comcast dot net 1/3/2012
David L. Hutchinson david dot hutchinson [at] equitable dot com 8/3/2005
Gayle A "Jake" (Jacobson) Hoffman Gayleahoffman [at] gmail dot com Lives in SW Washington with husband, Steve (68). Three grown children. Retired and happy with 5 wonderful grandchildren! 3/27/2016
Stephen "Josh" Joshua steve_joshua [at] hotmail dot com I am going to make the reunion on September 21st, landing in Sea-Tac on the 18th from London Gatwick airport miday(ish) and fly back on the 25th, hope to see as many old school mates as i can thanks Steve Joshua 7/30/2019
Paul Julien julienpr [at] yahoo dot com I am currently living in Marseilles, France, having previously lived in Ecuador, Dubai, Oman, Gabon, (West Africa), Morocco, France and Puerto Rico after leaving the Seattle area in 1996. After lettering 4 years varsity crew at the UW I skied professionally in the winters and used my forestry degree in the summers. I then made some notable achievements in the scuba, windsurfing and kayaking industries for the next 15+ years before finally escaping the rainy Northwest for the Caribbean! 11/16/2021
Tim Kauppila kuaytim [at] earthlink dot net We’re getting far removed from our time in high school. Haven’t heard from many through the years, but would like to wish everyone who comes upon this page well. There were many good people, some of whom are no longer with us. 8/20/2023
Eileen (Kiesel) Schoener dsgnr2 [at] aol dot com Bellevue, WA 2/1/2008
Celia R. (Knapp) Brunette ruthiebru61 [at] gmail dot com Living simply in West Sonoma County in a yurt, with a meditation practice and a radio show on KOWS.FM,looking forward as the next phase of my life unfolds. 8/29/2009
Dirk H. Kristensen dhkristensen [at] glosten dot com 3/24/2009
Sandra M. "Sandy" (Landis) Davis sdavis699 [at] gmail dot com My husband, Glenn and I live in Buckley, WA. We have 3 grown children, 3 grown grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren. 11/19/2021
William C. "Bill" Leak wcleak [at] hotmail dot com We built a home in 1987, and live near St. Edward State Park in Kenmore. Married since '74. We have a son & daughter, their spouses, and 4 grandkids. You can find me on LinkedIn. 11/19/2021
Sandi (Lorentz) Marrs sandilmarrs [at] msn dot com Bellevue, WA 8/3/2005
Kip McAtee kipm [at] hawaii dot rr dot com I've lived in Hawaii since 1991. I'm still playing guitar professionally. Visit my web site at: http://guitarhawaii.weebly.com 3/27/2016
Steve McBride steve_mcbride [at] msn dot com Mukilteo, WA 11/20/2010
Alan D. Meaux a-lmeaux [at] comcast dot net I graduated from Kailua HS in Hawaii but I attended Queen Anne from 1963-64 (7th grade) and later from 1966-67 (10th grade). 4/4/2006
Pat Mills patmillsqa [at] yahoo dot com I never did make it to medical school. But I was a military medic. I am now retired/disabled, and living in Spanaway, WA. 8/3/2005
Cathy L (Norris) Steiger cathyns [at] icloud dot com In greater Vancouver, WA area. Long married, 2 grown kids 6/9/2022
Tim Orden Need Valid Email I was a rabble rouser back in the day. Haven't changed much... I live in Hawaii. 3/15/2023
MARC S PEASE marcspease [at] comcast dot net 1/5/2024
Dana M "Danny" Peterson danapeterson [at] me dot com Greetings class of 69 from sunny Las Vegas. Hope you’re all getting the best out of life! 11/18/2021
Christy (Pickard) Monroe christy_monroe [at] msn dot com 8/7/2010
Stephanie (Pitman) Lokkebo slokkebo [at] yahoo dot com I am recently retired from the Sedro-Woolley School District. Now spend my time with our two cats and work in the yard. I also help organize the annual Sedro-Woolley Community Thanksgiving Dinner held on Thanksgiving Day. 4/15/2016
Karen E. (Read) Savereux maka3 [at] yahoo dot com 5/11/2008
David "Dave" Reith davereith52 [at] gmail dot com Still living on Lake Union in a Floating Home and enjoying life and working in Windermere real estate for over 35 years now.
Thinking about becoming a snowbird and heading to the desert next year.
Sue A "Suzi" (Rhodes) Hill azhills2 [at] gmail dot com Married 39 years and now living in the Northwest. 12/15/2009
Patricia E "Patty" (Riddle) Pride perpride [at] gmail dot com Camano Island, WA 11/19/2021
Dave Sauerbrey davesauerbrey [at] msn dot com Have lived in Vancouver, wa for 28 years. Retired from Vancouver Fire Department and now working for Clark County Fire District 5. Annie & I have 3 wonderful daughters from a "yours, mine & ours" marriage (27, 21 & 17). We spend the majority of our free time climbing mountains & whitewater rafting... 11/27/2006
Tom Sawers thosaw3323 [at] gmail dot com Retired in Magnolia 10/7/2017
Pat (Schoolnik) Sanders pattyjean56 [at] hotmail dot com 8/3/2005
Kevan F. Smith kevanandpriscilla [at] gmail dot com I am living in Fargo, ND with my wife Priscilla. I serve at Hope Lutheran Church on the pastoral staff. With retirement coming in a few years we look forwarded to our return to the Northwest. My parents still live on Queen Anne...in their 90's! 2/25/2025
Paul "Craig" Smith golfercraig [at] comcast dot net Living on Queen Anne Hill, retired from The Boeing Company in April, 2017. 11/18/2021
Carolyn A. (Speer) Hart carolynahart1 [at] gmail dot com 9/7/2011
Paul Storey paulstorey [at] live dot com Electronics engineer in research and development of integrated circuits, vision systems, robotics, artificial intelligence, and artifical consciousness for 33 years. 6/30/2008
Sig "Tony" Swanstrom sigswanstrom [at] zoho dot com San Antonio, Texas. 9/7/2009
John C Taylor banjogibson [at] msn dot com 9/21/2007
Mark A Trotter mark dot trotter [at] live dot com (April 2011) Married since '82, two grown kids (one married, one not yet), no grandkids. Go to Overlake Christian. Working as a sr program manager in IT for Coinstar/redbox in Bellevue. Will be doing STP. 4/2/2011
Rod J. Vance RJVance13 [at] msn dot com 12/4/2018
Jenny M. (Vike) Kollen jmkollen [at] comcast dot net Living in Magnolia. Married to Karl, class of 59. We are enjoying our retirement, our 2 grown daughters and 1 precious grandaughter who is such a joy! Looking forward to our 40th reunion! 9/26/2008
Debbi (Watts) Lawrence deblawrence dot az [at] gmail dot com I leased and managed commercial real estate in Seattle and Boston for 20 years and worked in the not-for-profit sector for 15 years. I "flunked" retirement and started my own business in Arizona in 2016 as a Certified Professional Organizer and Life Transition Specialist, helping seniors prepare for their next chapter. Fun Facts: Dan and I met in July 1969 in Los Angeles after touring internationally in the "Up With People" musical in our senior year of high school. We have been married for 51 years and have 2 sons, a daughter, and 7 grands. 6/28/2024
Alan "Al" Wicklund alwicklund [at] comcast dot net 7/20/2009
Bonnie J (Wilkinson) Johnson bonniejohnson1926 [at] gmail dot com I'd love to hear from old friends. 12/31/2007
Mary L "Linda" (Wordsworth) Thomas lindalovesbeach [at] gmail dot com Stephen & I have retired from Missions work in Thailand. We are living in Minnesota. Daughter, Letitia, is a Sophomore at Jamestown University, North Dakota. She is planning to teach Children K-3, Special Needs Students and English as a Second Language students.
We are active in our local church, and as volunteers in the community. Daughter, Jennifer, has two children, & lives in Caldwell, Idaho. I would love to hear from any fellow alums. If you are traveling, plan to stop and visit with us.
Kathy J. (Wright) Semf kjw-s [at] sbcglobal dot net 7/26/2014