Louise (Ball) Stutes |
stutes [at] gci dot net |
10/19/2007 |
Mary Anne Boyd |
maryanne dot boyd [at] sbcglobal dot net |
I am still single living in Texas since 1974. I have one sister in Magnolia I visit whenever I am able. |
2/7/2023 |
Brooks V. Burford |
brooksburford [at] gmail dot com |
After reconnecting with Marcia Karfstedt ('70) at their 30-year reunion at Shilshole, Brooks and Marcia were married on the beach at Cabo San Lucas, December 28, 2003. Brooks anchors the news in Portland, Marcia is a tax accounting software goddess. |
6/24/2006 |
James Canady |
jamcancoolin [at] yahoo dot com |
Howdy fellow QUAYS, just looking thruogh this site and found this. Been married twice,have one daughter and one grandson. Use to work the chain crew for all the Seattle Seahawks home games from '82-'96, I referee high school football locally. Just completed my 34th season.(maybe someday I'll grow up). Life has been pretty good,( I'm still vertical ). |
11/19/2008 |
Mary C (Carothers) Thoen |
mary_thoen_2000 [at] yahoo dot com |
Married 39 years to Gary, 1 daughter, 2 grandsons.
I live in San Francisco CA.
Lived in California since 1971. Received a BA and a Masters degree.
Still working in Grant Administration. |
2/11/2013 |
Barbara C "Barb" (Chase) Peterson |
LRPBCP [at] msn dot com |
8/31/2010 |
Mike Cole |
smichaelcole [at] sbcglobal dot net |
I don't check the computer much but Mike Horton (below) does, so if I don't respond, tell him. |
8/3/2005 |
Dennis A. "Denny" Conforto |
ConfortoDennis [at] gmail dot com |
i lived in San Diego California for 30 years. Then moved to my ranch in Parma, ID. I have three Daughter's and three Son's along with thirty Grandchildren13 boys and 17 girls and 3 great grandchildren. I think often about my days at Queen Anne High School and have fond memories of those years. In a blink of an eye all of us have traveled forward in time. I look in the mirror to see the 17 year old I once knew, and while I can't see the boy in the mirror I sure feel that boy in my heart. |
6/29/2024 |
Laura (Covey) Danforth |
Need Valid Email |
Moved to Iowa after graduating from the U.W. Been married for 31 years. Have two daughters. One is currently doing doctoral research in Tanzania and the other is in dental school. Hope to get back for the 40th! |
2/21/2010 |
Patricia A "Trish" (Cowan) Maples |
p dot maples [at] yahoo dot com |
4/7/2010 |
Rebecca C. "Becky" (Crary) Brown |
brown8225 [at] gmail dot com |
Living in Portland Oregon, married since 1978 to Robert, my wonderful someone. 2 kids, 4 granddaughters. Retired RN. |
8/12/2024 |
George (Curran) Kurran |
gkurran [at] aol dot com |
Looking for any '70's get-togethers over the holidays. Last name now spelled "Kurran." |
8/3/2005 |
Alan R Dance |
alanrdance [at] gmail dot com |
3/28/2016 |
Susan M "Sue" Dowell |
sm_dowell [at] msn dot com |
Living in Kent. 2 Children 4 G Children. Retired. |
3/25/2018 |
Roland D "Rolly" Duncan |
rolanddduncan [at] gmail dot com |
Married 39 years to Liz Lindstrom(1971,) since divorced.
And ate a lot at "Al's burgers" |
11/18/2021 |
Roxane "Roxy" (Eberlein) Jude |
rxejude [at] msn dot com |
Still happily living in Seattle, Bitterlake, married 26 years, one son, who also loved living on Queen Anne Hill himself until recently. Hoping to enjoy retirement soon, have worked in the Employee Benefit field for over 30 years! Husband in Industrial Sales for same company since Western WA Univ.graduation!
Sorry I missed the 40th looking forward the 45th!
Proud to say I graduated from Queen Anne High School. |
2/13/2012 |
Leslie E. Giblett |
triathlete01 [at] hotmail dot com |
12/18/2010 |
Anthony "Tony" Gordon |
catbuttfarm [at] icloud dot com |
Now live on six acres of Vashon Island with my wife Beth Dimond. I love beach hikes,riding my bicycle, swimming,and hiking in the mountains, etc. Come on down and see me anytime. |
2/4/2025 |
John Green |
jjgreen9 [at] comcast dot net |
Married Julie McBride '71 |
10/7/2005 |
George R Hammer |
flyboy541 [at] hotmail dot com |
11/15/2007 |
David Harmon |
flythru [at] hotmail dot com |
8/3/2005 |
Michael Horton |
michaelh [at] lafcpug dot org |
Living in LA |
6/17/2006 |
Cathy J (Howard) Keever |
cathy_keever [at] yahoo dot com |
I married the man (Eldon) that ran the Arctic Circle in 1970. We had 36 yrs of marriage before he passed away in 2006. We had 1 child he had 3. We now have 7 Grandchildren & 1 G-Grandchild. I have since remarried in 2011. My new husbands name is David Keever |
2/21/2013 |
Danette (Iten) Brown |
fergiecat [at] att dot net |
Living in Wilmington NC with my husband Kirk. Atlantic Ocean is 9 miles from our home. Love everything about this area, except the hurricanes! This year (2017) we will celebrate our 28th anniversary. Life is good! |
9/10/2017 |
Jo A (Jolly) Bach |
jo dot bach [at] comcast dot net |
Still married after all these years to the same guy....3 kids...lots of grandkids. I continue to work in finance supporting eng/mfg products in the Puget Sound region. Care for an aging parent on QA hill prompts me to drive past QAHS several times a week. Its still standing! |
4/16/2016 |
Marcia Karfstedt |
mkarfstedt [at] gmail dot com |
1/14/2023 |
Joe Kelly |
ljoekelly [at] msn dot com |
8/3/2005 |
Tom D. Kerrigan |
tdkerrigan [at] gmail dot com |
4/7/2006 |
Kal M. (Kissler) Taylor |
kal [at] thinkingdynamics dot com |
: Graduated with my masters in Psychology at age 60 and now have a part time counseling and neurofeedback private practice out of our Edmonds home. Semi-retired having the best of both worlds. Married since 1990 and homeschooled two sons. I find healing in gardening and connection through my counseling practice, family and friends. Life is magical. |
2/7/2023 |
Elise (Knox) Smith |
mystekl52 [at] gmail dot com |
We have lived on Whidbey Island for the past 20 years. I own a dog walking / pet care business. I've been married for 36 years. I was a certified medical assistant for 30 years. My passion is helping animals! |
7/3/2024 |
Joanne (Lindley) Lynn |
jaslynn3 [at] Comcast dot net |
10/30/2005 |
Keith Luker |
Friday_1 [at] sbcglobal dot net |
11/28/2018 |
Susan M. "Sue" (Malvern) Lighty |
elighty48 [at] wavecable dot com |
8/18/2009 |
Kevin S Manning |
ksmanning [at] outlook dot com |
Graduated from Seattle University and was married in 1980. Moved to Silicon Valley in 1982. Worked all over the world in commercial real estate, then retired in 2015 only to return to work in Mergers & Acquisitions. My wife died in 2017. I have two great and successful kids, Chad who is 33 and Blaire who is 25. Chad was married in 2019. I still live in Silicon Valley. |
4/15/2022 |
Cheri J. (Masters) Warner |
Cheri221 [at] comcast dot net |
Retired and living in Federal Way, WA. |
3/27/2016 |
Lisa Maria "Lisa" (Mayhew) Buchwalter |
buchwalter1 [at] comcast dot net |
3/4/2008 |
Pat McLoughlin |
patmcloughlin [at] yahoo dot com |
11/28/2008 |
Lois (Morrow) Hankee |
funkynportland [at] msn dot com |
Worked for Alyeska Pipeline Service Company in Anchorage, AK for 20 years. Lived in Portland, OR for 2 years; in Kissimmee, FL for 2 years; back to Portland, OR for another 2 years; and returned to Anchorage for 7 more years. Meanwhile, sold my parents house in Magnolia (known to many as Billy’s Beach). Married with one daughter and currently living in Meridian, Idaho. |
11/30/2021 |
Patricia B. "Tricia" (Murphy) Kesterson |
triciakesterson [at] gmail dot com |
Sold my childhood home in 2016 and moved to Benson, AZ. Tom and I have both retired and enjoy traveling. We will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary March 2025. We have 3 daughters of our own and 6 more daughters and1 son who all lived with us at troubled times in their lives but all call us Mom and Dad. We are Nana and Grandpa to 14 grandchildren. I'm still best friends with Francine Greenway. I have kept in contact with Cheri Masters Warner, Alicia Breed Buterbaugh and Evan Robertson. Recently, reconnected with Jodi Thorne Akers. |
7/3/2024 |
Tyrone P (Noble) Townsend |
tytown0909 [at] gmail dot com |
Living with great health and happiness in mid-coast Maine. Married 47 years to husband Hubie Townsend (Roosevelt Class of ‘70). Four seasons a year let us enjoy activities year round. Love lobstering, sailing, curling, snow shoeing, skiing, paddling our canoe and kayaks, fishing, playing mah Jong among other games during game nights, hiking. Living in the most wooded, rural state in the nation known for having more coastline than any other state (except Alaska) and more small organic farms is incredible. |
6/29/2024 |
Kelly D Norman |
Rentsome [at] aol dot com |
9/9/2011 |
Janet E. "Jan" (Page) Bachelder |
lizpage2 [at] juno dot com |
Married, living in Bremerton. Want to get back in touch! |
5/15/2006 |
Susan G "Sue" (Popham) Luke |
wrkadct [at] yahoo dot com |
3/27/2016 |
Frank P Priest |
frankpaulpriest [at] gmail dot com |
In discovering the Kuay online, I also discovered that I was one of the “lost” ones. Let that no longer be said! I have just been in hiding; left Seattle in 1980 to come to work as a CPA in Paris, France. Then married happily here and have had two children. Return to the US about yearly, on vacation. Hope to attend the next reunion. |
10/25/2015 |
Elizabeth "Beth" (Redman) Campbell |
neighborhoodwarrior [at] gmail dot com |
37 years after graduating from high school I am graduating from the University of Washington. BA Double major in Law, Societies and Justice/Sociology, and BA in History, with minor in American Indian Studies. In the fall I will be entering UW's Evans School of Public Affairs to get my Masters. I have three grandchildren now, and live with them and their parents (my daughter) on Magnolia. |
5/24/2007 |
Marcia (Ritchey) Meyering |
johnandmarci [at] msn dot com |
Happily married after 37 year, 2 kids, & 4 grandkids. Recently moved back to my childhood home on Magnolia after gutting and remodeling it. I'd love to reconnect! |
11/7/2008 |
Evan C. Robertson |
erobertson99 [at] msn dot com |
7/31/2009 |
Richard "Ricky" Shutts |
rshutts2 [at] gmail dot com |
Served 10 years in the Marine Corps Recon Unit, Vietnam 1971-72 and Iraq 1991 with 10th Marines. Married my wife Sharon in 2006 and we have 5 kids with 8 grand kids. Live in Liberty Lake, WA. Owned my business Crown Media for the past 33 years in printing and packaging. Produced packaging, Disc Media, Manuals for the software industry. Supplied packaging and DVD’s to 20thy Century Fox. Sold my business November 2015. Now Sharn & I have more time to travel the World and volunteer with kids in CASA & Children's Village. |
11/15/2021 |
Torger V Skolmen |
torgerskolmen [at] gmail dot com |
Retired Washington State Ferry Captain |
4/7/2016 |
Vicki (Smith) Smith-Jones |
vickisj [at] gmail dot com |
Hi, How do you sum up all those years since high school? Married for the last 28 of them, have three children and four grandchildren. Graduated from the Evergreen State College. Spent 15 years at Seattle City Light and then the next 17 at King County. Currently still at metro and working hard on the new Sound Transit Light Rail in Seattle. Love to travel, play soccer, listen to music, bead, read, and eat. |
6/10/2023 |
Ruben Van Kempen |
vankempenr [at] gmail dot com |
We have memory books available from our 50th reunion. The cost is $25 and includes postage. |
2/7/2023 |
Patti J. (Vernon) Wilson |
pwilsonsj [at] yahoo dot com |
Married to John, two grandchildren and still teaching. |
1/24/2010 |
Larry Vesey |
ljvesey [at] gmail dot com |
Chesapeake, VA |
8/3/2005 |
Ruth E (Voigt) Bigback |
ruthellen25 [at] comcast dot net |
Living in Vancouver, WA |
11/15/2005 |
Craig J Webb |
cjslwebb [at] msn dot com |
7/5/2019 |
Bob Weller |
Bob_weller_52 [at] yahoo dot com |
I am living on Queen Anne with my wife and three boys. Our oldest Max is at Ingraham in the Bridges program. Henry is a senior at Ballard and headed to Colorado St next year. Louis is a freshman at Ballard. |
3/27/2016 |
Terri W (Wilson) Houser |
Terrihouser [at] msn dot com |
Living in the Grand Junction, CO area. Married with 2 children and 4 fabulous grandchildren. Still best friends with Sue Malvern Lighty. I was an Accountant for ever and have been enjoying retirement |
7/2/2024 |
John G. Wilson |
Johnnydmp [at] yahoo dot com |
Patti (Vernon) and I celebrated our 49th wedding anniversary on June 14th, 2024…where has the time gone. |
6/29/2024 |
Kathleen M "Kathy" (Yantis) Michael |
kthlnmichael [at] gmail dot com |
Living in Baltimore with my husband of 40 years. Our children are grown, and we have 6 grandchildren. I am a Department Chair at the University of Maryland, old enough but not ready to retire. Still writing! Three novels published--thank you Mrs. Steinhauser. |
11/19/2021 |
Robert D. Zorich Jr |
rzone [at] msn dot com |
12/3/2014 |