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QAHS '52 President's Day
Lunch 2020
Ivar's Salmon House

QAHS '52 President's Day
Lunch 2018
Ivar's Salmon House

John Privat, Dick Vanderpool, Bob Boyd, Terry Howard and Ed
The QAHS Class '52 held their
President's Day lunch again at Ivar's Salmon House on Lake
Union. Attendance was down this year as some of the regular
attendees had other commitments. We had a good view of
Queen Anne High School to the Southwest of out table.
QAHS President's Day Lunch 2015

Karl House ('51), Irv Hunter, John Privat, Terry
Howard, Dick Vanderpool, Dick Bean.
QAHS President's Day Lunch 2014

QAHS President's Day Lunch, Class of 1952.
From left to right: John Privat, Karl House ('51), Irv
Hunter, Terry Howard, Dick Bean, Dick Vanderpool, Winston
DeForest, Robert Boyd at Ivar's Salmon House, Lake Union,
February 18, 2013.
Class 60th Reunion
The Queen Anne Class of l952 had their 60th reunion on June
23, 2012. The 60th was special just because it was the 60th.
It was held at the Nile Golf and Country Club in Mountlake
Terrace, where we had out Junior and Senior Proms. We drove
and drove out into the “country” to attend the proms and
wondered how anyone could live so far out in the country.
The committee members were Chairman Gerrie Rothaus Brown,
Dick Bean, Barbara Bertsch Eckley, Marilyn Darling Kunz,
Janet Farnham Sorensen, Marty Hightower, Terry Howard, Deane
Hullin House, Zoaunne LeRoy, Pauline Petersen Conradi,
Sandra Segale Egtvet, Dick Vanderpool, Phyllis Wiese Cass,
and Liz Winkler Adams.
Our name tags had our senior class pictures on them, and we
enjoyed looking at each other’s tags to see how much we had
changed or with some, not too much change.
A class directory was handed out so that we could keep in
touch and we honored those who are no longer with us.
Even though we had only 96 there, a wonderful time was had
by all. One of the things we did was to have a trivia
questionnaire about things that occurred at the school and
who did what. Each table had to come up with the answers,
and a prize was given for the most answered correctly. That
was a lot of fun, and along with going around the tables
asking each person to tell something that they did or
something that they remembered about the school, it created
great conversation among us.
In looking back, this reunion will be remembered with
nostalgia and a happy time.
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