1956 Class Page

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'56 Alums enjoy lunch together
October, 2013

Class members at 2011
Alumni Spring Luncheon

Some of the Class members at the luncheon: L to R Dick Parks, Larry Austin, Dave Hendrickson, Joseph Mullins, Bud Cheney, Grace Easley, near left Myrna (Wright) Love and the back of Joe Winkler’s head.
We hope to see more members at our fall reunion

The Class of '56
History Repeats - Carl Weiss sent this item

The Queen High School Class of '56 returned to the scene of their Senior Prom on June 17, 2006 for the 50th class reunion/. 145 former students plus spouses, friends, and significant's gathered for an evening of renewing old friendships, frequent photos shoots and a really fine buffet dinner. Setting the tone of reminiscence were several vintage automobiles lining the entry drive to the clubhouse.

The main ballroom was decorated with banners and the tables were accented with ribbons and flowers in school colors and confections of the period. One end of the room was lined with nostalgic mementos of High Schools activities; at the other, picture groupings from various Grade Schools which contributed which contributed students to Queen Anne were on display.

This event, held at Nile Country Club, culminated a year of planning and sleuthing; often rewarding-sometimes disappointing. All in all it was a lot of work but well worth the effort - bringing together in the organization phase and finally to the event itself.

The principal architect and ramrod who kept things moving on track was Perry Perry. Others contributing time and /or money towards the event were Ron Beloit, Mike Copass, Paula Price Cuneo, John Cuneo, Sue Davis, Barbara Quiett Dierickx, Judy Flanagan, Jackie Hanor Ford, Remo Galvangno, Nancy Olsen Gradwohl, Dave Hendrickson, Goerge & Wanda Hutton, Robert Jensen, Donna Cox Kallicott, Bill Marshall. Nancy Rauh Mertel, Charles Mertel, Art Mitchell, Joy Brown Monroe, Woody O'Rourke, Ardena Bramwell Pendleton, Carol Dent Poppe, Gary Rettig, Elizabeth Schenken Roach, Ken Rose, Anne Hamilton Stern, Suzanne Arnold Suther, Barbara Woods Thompson, Carl & Stephanie Weiss, and Joe Walker.

Thanks to the contributors; you made this happen. thanks to the many participants; it's you who make it a party.

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