Step 1: QAHS Class of 1964 50th Reunion Directory

Your input for our reunion effort is a two step process. The steps are:
1) Provide classmate directory information & your memory book "ramblings" about you, your family and your memories.
2) Make your reservations for the Saturday event, order a class photo and/or memory book (even if you are unable to attend) and pay using a credit/debit card via PayPay.

Step 1:
Please enter the following information so that we can be sure we have current information for you. We would like this information for all class of '64 alums, whether you are able to come to the reunion or not. The deadline for memory book submission is October 1, 2014.

If you need to correct any entry after you have clicked the submission button, you will need to complete this entire Directory form again. So please check it over for accuracy before submission. If you have questions about anything on this form, send them to us at Thank you!

Note: Your contact information is for our memory book directory provided only to your classmates, and for the Queen Anne HS Alumni Assoc. for their notification purposes. Your personal information provided here will NOT be available on-line or to others without your permission.

* = Required entry
*Formal First Name and Middle Initial:    MI: 
Informal First Name (Nick Name) at school or prefer now: (Optional) 
*Last Name when at QAHS:   
Current Last Name (only if different):    
*Street Address or Box:   
*City:    *State:   
*Postal Code (ZIP):    Country:     (if not USA)
Home Phone:     Cell Phone:    
E-Mail Address:    
Grade School (K-6) you attended on QA/Mag, if any:   
Name of spouse/partner, if one:     If spouse/partner attended QAHS, which class, otherwise skip:  
Number of Children/Grandchildren/Great...: Children Grand Great
Your Occupation/Retired:    
Your Memory Book Comments (Max of 75 words, please): NOTE: you can compose offline and paste into this box or email to: