Queen Anne High School Class Page  

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Class Information

CLASS COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM: To see your graduation program, click here.

Classmate Status

NEARBY CLASSMATES: To find classmates living nearby, by the country, state & city/town, click here.

DECEASED CLASSMATES: To view a listing of your deceased classmates so as to be able to honor dear friends, click here.

MISSING CLASSMATES: Help us find our missing classmates! To view your classmates for whom we have no current contact information, click here.

Voluntary Web Directory

Many alumni have requested an e-mail directory so as to be able to contact "lost" friends. We hope to enable many side conversations and some mini-reunions.

Wary of "spamming," the QAHSAA Board has agreed to provide such a directory with the reservations that only those who complete the Directory Sign-up Form or e-mail us with express permission to post their names and e-mail addresses will be added to the directory. Please use the sign-up form to also make corrections (such as e-mail changes) or to remove yourself. To return to the main Directory page, click here.

NOTE: To send an e-mail to a classmate, replace the " [at] " in the listed e-mail address with a "@" and replace the " dot " with "." to make the e-mail address valid. This has been done to reduce SPAM.

Name E-mail Address Comment Updated
Jim Barber goldbridge [at] comcast dot net 8/3/2005
Layton Basset Need Valid Email The Villages, FL 8/3/2005
Nancy Pat (Beatty) Richmond Need Valid Email Now an ordained Presbyterian (USA) pastor and chaplain, semi-retired. 11/19/2021
George Cloakey gcloakjr [at] wavecable dot com Betsy & I are still just enjoying life on Camano Island. We may not have been the first of the couples from the class of 53 to marry, but April 2 will be our 68th anniversary. I was in the Air Force, and thanks to a paperwork problem, we couldn't get married a day earlier. We didn't think about it at the time, but they saved us from getting married on April Fools' Day. Of course there were many who thought that at our age we were fools to get married on any day. To them we would say: "We are off to a decent start". 2/11/2022
Marge (Dainard) McArthur margemc35 [at] hotmail dot com enjoy the qa alumini website wish I was closer to Seattle and I would sure help with what I could do. 8/3/2005
Russell Elsom elsomjr [at] gmail dot com Red Bluff, CA 8/3/2005
David L. Evans dle_jle [at] pacbell dot net
Susan "Sue" (Harrison) Harvey Suli [at] comcast dot net 3/27/2016
Conrad J Larsen Radone22000 [at] hotmail dot com 10/8/2011
Elizabeth C. (Matthias) Cloakey camanowest35 [at] yahoo dot com 12/7/2012
Bill McCoubrey Billmccoub [at] aol dot com Bellvue, WA 8/3/2005
Alvin C "Al" Moe acmoe_0428 [at] msn dot com 12/8/2018
Donna J (Ogren) Gray radjgray55 [at] gmail dot com 3/8/2009
Mary Lou (Swanagon) Cloud Nowclouds [at] aol dot com Still fond memories of QAHS, We live in Coronado and currently preparing a 50 year celebration of Surveyor First Moon Landing. - prior to Apollo. We have 125 people coming from Across the nation for a Last Hurrah! Husband Jim was responsible for the Systems Engineering and Spacecraft Manager. Our lives are full. We salute the Class of 1953!

Mary Cloud
Colette (Thomas) Smith researching4 [at] gmail dot com 11/19/2021
James G. "Jim" Turner jnturner [at] earthlink dot net Colonel, US Army, Retired. Formerly Hospital CEO in California and West Germany. Now living in League City, Galveston County, Texas, near NASA Houston Space Center. 4/1/2018
Bob N Wells rnbtwells [at] msn dot com 7/24/2013
Donald E Zimmerman donaldz93 [at] comcast dot net Actually, I'm an O'Dea graduate but had many friends at QA High and am hoping to contact them 2/4/2010