Bonnie L Allen |
blaski [at] coastaccess dot com |
I am still a Ski Instructor at White Pass, however, after teaching a terrific Class of Beginning Students, I got to "free ski". I being an excellent skier…I fell and broke my leg in THREE places (12-10-2022). After many, many months mobile in bed and a lot of PT, my leg is pretty good. Unfortunately, I developed Vertigo which is not conducive to Alpine skiing. For fun, I developed kidney stones. Outside of all that, I am hoping to get back to the slopes next fall. Also, not employed at moment. U of W(78) |
6/29/2024 |
Jeanne (Allison) Uhles |
uhlesco [at] gmail dot com |
Bellingham, WA |
8/3/2005 |
Cheryl A (Ball) Atwood |
atwoodc22 [at] comcast dot net |
1/26/2006 |
7/13/2007 |
Carol A (Bilderback) McCabe |
leon_mccabe [at] hotmail dot com |
8/2/2006 |
Dennis Braley |
dmbraley [at] juno dot com |
I recently retired from my job after 38 years at NASA |
8/3/2005 |
Karen J (Brekke) Williams |
fstviola [at] comcast dot net |
10/3/2007 |
Harold "Harry" Brown |
harrybrown94 [at] gmail dot com |
9/11/2015 |
Bonnie Jean Campbell |
bjcampbello [at] gmail dot com |
11/25/2024 |
Pat (Canada) Rasar |
Patr1962 [at] aol dot com |
8/3/2005 |
Bruce H "Gus" (Cleveland) N/A |
bhcleve [at] yahoo dot com |
Edmonds, WA. Two daughters, four grandsons. Feel free to contact me anytime. |
11/15/2021 |
David J. DeLaittre |
ndelaittre [at] aol dot com |
7/18/2022 |
Donna L (Dillaway) Stebbins |
donnasteb [at] hotmail dot com |
3/18/2011 |
John F. Douglass |
jfd [at] fidalgo dot net |
Hermiston, Oregon
Retired from Saudi Aramco. |
7/16/2012 |
Denise M "Leah D" (Ford) Frank |
TraxWalker [at] gmail dot com |
I changed my name about 50 years ago to Leah D Frank. So I should be listed as Leah (Denise Ford) Frank. At this point I would be shocked if someone called me Denise.It would take me a minute to figure out to whom they were speaking. If you want to know why just ask. |
12/31/2016 |
Vicki Foreman |
4manvicki [at] gmail dot com |
Retired from the Seattle School District and U of W. Living in Kirkland with my husband, Dick Arends, and best dog friend, Mochi. Busy with volunteer jobs, travel here and there, our kids, mostly successful dog training, reading good lit mixed with "beach trash" mysteries, laughing, staying connected to my family flung about the country, and being grateful for life and wonderful friends. |
10/12/2017 |
Denny Freeburn |
dennyfreeburn [at] gmail dot com |
Eagle, Idaho |
12/1/2021 |
Barbara D. (Fruetel) Waltz |
barbwaltz [at] gmail dot com |
3/26/2009 |
Linda G. (Giles) Wahoske |
warmdesert2015 [at] gmail dot com |
11/27/2024 |
Chet l Hammond |
c dot l dot hammond [at] att dot net |
Currently living Waco, Tx. and have lived in McLennan County since 1969. Looking forward to the 50th class reunion in 2012. I retired in 2009 and really enjoy the time off. Hello to all. |
2/5/2011 |
Libby (Hampson) Moore |
libmoore62 [at] msn dot com |
8/3/2005 |
Karen (Heald) Clinton |
kcclinton [at] live dot com |
2/7/2023 |
Gail (Hobson) Martini-Peterson |
gcmartini [at] mindspring dot com |
I graduated UW, taught middle school 32 years, retired in 1998 to write for kids. For 10 years I served on the Advisory Committee of the local chapter of the Society of Children's Writers and Illustrators, was widowed in 2015, currently organize a Grizzly '62 monthly luncheon. Want to join us? Email me gcmartini at mindspring .com My partner, Richard Williams, and I own a recreational home on Hood Canal where we spend ½ time while maintaining a home in Seattle as well. |
6/30/2024 |
Marilyn (Houghton) Bruns |
balare7 [at] comcast dot net |
8/3/2005 |
Janice "Jan" (Hoverson) Parent |
loujanp [at] comcast dot net |
Retired and living back on good old Magnolia. |
8/3/2005 |
John M. Jamieson |
jjinmanson [at] outlook dot com |
After going to Seattle Pacific for 2 years I went into the Army for another 2 years. Got married in 1970, Blessed with 2 sons, started a sales career in 1973 then started my own business in 1982, sold that business in 1998. lost my wife to breast cancer in 1998. Got married again in 2000. Started another small business in 2002. Moved to Manson, WA.(Lake Chelan) in 2013 and drive a school bus since then to keep myself young. I have enjoyed the ride for 73 years. The destination is going to be unbelievable but, the journey has been incredible. |
9/7/2017 |
Ernest S "Scott" Jepson |
scottspalapa [at] yahoo dot com |
3/27/2008 |
Janice "Jan" Jordan |
jordandocs [at] aol dot com |
After running a small physician recruitment business in Seattle for 12 years, I moved to Hawaii to be near family and work as Regional Recruiter and Workforce Planning Consultant with Kaiser Permanente. Have recently settled in Tucson, AZ, and continue to do consulting work, photography and enjoy life in the desert. I make frequent visits to visit family and grandchildren in San Diego. Would love to hear from classmates. |
10/27/2007 |
Marika K "Mary Kay" Keil |
kmkeil [at] msn dot com |
10/26/2008 |
Melanie Knight |
mem069 [at] outlook dot com |
Now married to Terry Messenger '62. I would love to hear from old friends and wishing everyone all that is good! |
11/5/2009 |
Bruce Larson |
jblarson2002 [at] aol dot com |
3/27/2016 |
Margaret (Laughland) Brennan |
Margiebren [at] hotmail dot com |
: I retired from the substance abuse prevention field in 2011 and now spend free time volunteering as well as living part of the year in the 1000 Islands in Ontario, Canada. Also Denis and I spend time traveling and have found many of my relatives in England who we visit and have made wonderful friends in Ireland. We lived there for four months in 2014 when Denis took 20 students from Union College for a term abroad. We have two Grandchildren who live in Wash. DC, with our middle son and his wife. Two of our kids live near us in upstate NY and youngest lives in Austin Tx. Deep into genealogy and spending time catching up with old friends and making new friends through volunteering. Denis is town historian and teaches classes from time to time at Union. We go to lots of hockey games and are big Union College fans. |
6/5/2022 |
Janet (Lipsett) Gindin |
j dot gindin [at] hotmail dot com |
Even though I did not graduate from QAHS, I feel like I am a part of the Class of 1962. My parents moved to Bellevue right before our senior year and I graduated from Sammamish HS. I married right after college and have been with Jeff Gindin for nearly 46 years. We lived in Northern California where I taught school. Moved back to the Seattle area in 1969. Have two children, Jay and Jodi Lyn. We have 6 wonderful grandchildren. Both of us are retired but I still tutor as I love being around the kids. Would love to hear from some of you. |
3/23/2012 |
Steve McKee |
smckee1 [at] frontier dot com |
11/30/2009 |
Roxanne (Merkley) Tillman |
Need Valid Email |
Director, Special Services, South Seattle Community College |
4/21/2022 |
Franzula I "Dolly" (Moody) Bacher |
fibacher [at] gmail dot com |
Three grandsons. One in Air Force. One a Range Master at Ben Avery Shooting Range for Arizona Game & Fish. One finding himself. Miss Seattle summers. |
2/7/2023 |
Denis M Morrison |
whalefang3 [at] gmail dot com |
Retired to central Oregon coast (Lincoln City) and started an Airbnb on prompt from my daughter (A'Lise) who did month long Europe trip last year only using them. it's been great fun meeting fellow adventurers. |
6/9/2018 |
James A "Jim" Nelson |
cowboy3273 [at] gmail dot com |
My wife and I have retired to North Carolina. Spent time along the way in Great Falls, Virginia, Bainbridge Island, Anchorage, Alaska and Thousand Oaks, California. Now living on a beautiful spot on Virginia Creek in Hampstead, NC. Still enjoying traveling, good food and wine, fishing, our dogs and grandson, James! |
2/13/2023 |
Teddie Mae (Olson) Bladine |
teddiemae [at] yahoo dot com |
Ray ('62) and I were married 12/27/07 and now live in Phoenix, AZ. Between us we have 9 kids and 16 grandchildren which keeps us very busy in Phoenix and Modesto, CA where my kids are. We are having such fun with each other and our combined families...retirement is filled with lots of "life". Would love to hear from other QA's. |
6/16/2010 |
Sue (Patton) Krolick |
spkrolick44 [at] gmail dot com |
2/7/2023 |
Ronda (Reese) Eddleman |
16ronda [at] gmail dot com |
Living in Westlake Village, CA. |
11/19/2021 |
Bob Rogers |
robert dot rogers30 [at] comcast dot net |
Auburn, WA. Moved from Danville, CA when I retired after 38 years with Chevron Corp. |
8/3/2005 |
Alan H Rowberg |
arowberg [at] earthlink dot net |
Moved to Spokane in 1957 after one year at QAHS. |
10/16/2011 |
Joseph F "Joe" Samione |
Need Valid Email |
Minutes we counted in class each class, the hours we hope would go by faster to move closer to graduation and become an adult. The days we squandered to meet life's goals, To become the boss, or just the best in our fields.years fly by to reach the perfect life. Today we realize that the door is visible, yet now, we finally cherish seconds, minutes, hours, and days and enjoy memories not forgotten and find that a bad choice's takes a wonderful memory not yet lived. To all of you I will never forget the wonderful memories you gave to me in my youth. the social connect for all my friends at QA for providing me pieces of gold in my life...Joe |
2/13/2025 |
Bill Scarvie |
bscarvie [at] gmail dot com |
Sold our toy store in Los Gatos, California, in 2006 and relocated to Bainbridge Island in May of 2007. After an eight-year homecoming for me, we relocated again, this time to Karen's birthplace, Hawaii. Look for us in Kailua (Oahu island). |
6/7/2007 |
John H. Schmitt |
Need Valid Email |
1/27/2025 |
Gary L Sivertsen |
cameracol [at] seanet dot com |
Retired from the Boeing Co. Employee Training organization after 19 yrs, worked in Washington Community System as Dean and teacher in university system and now enjoying retirement. Live here in University Place, during the nice summer months (Yes, that's Tacoma) and spent winter months in Tucson and sometimes in Sun City area. Try to stay active, hike, ride bikes, try to play golf, use my cameras to take pictures (love sunset in SW desert & Slot Canyons) work-out regularly and have great friends. Would love to hear from classmates. |
5/28/2012 |
Margy (Slattery) Kotick |
mkotick [at] comcast dot net |
11/15/2021 |
Dorothy H (Sotnik) Ackels |
hsotnik [at] gmail dot com |
I am retired from teaching High School French and Spanish in Seattle and Port Orchard. I enjoy reading, travelling and spending time with my daughters and two grandsons. |
9/29/2010 |
Sharon "Sharie" (Sprague) Pursel |
sharonpursel [at] outlook dot com |
Retired from |
4/2/2015 |
William D "Doug" Stenberg |
darthfader911 [at] hotmail dot com |
Retired from the Air Force and commercial flying and living in Renton, WA |
7/25/2006 |
Eunice (Stoa) Scarfe |
eunicescarfe [at] hotmail dot com |
Edmonton, Canada |
8/3/2005 |
Donna (Surridge) Petelle |
rdpete62 [at] hotmail dot com |
12/3/2014 |
Sally R (Sutton) Garmon |
garmoness [at] aol dot com |
7/25/2013 |
Randi R (Thaden) Tomlin |
randallrose54 [at] msn dot com |
After my husband passed away, I moved back to Marysville to be closer to my family. I now share my home with my little companion bird Lemon. |
11/15/2021 |
Larry Werelius |
thehistoryman [at] hotmail dot com |
Post graduating from Q A I joined the Air Force. During my four years I was stationed in the midwest at three different bases, and was assigned to working in and around the Minute Man Missile. After this adventure, I attended Jr College in Bremerton. Post Jr College I went to work for Boeing as a inventory planner. Met my now wife, at
a beach BBQ on my parents vacation property on Lake Sammamish. She already had 4 children, which I adopted, and we had one more. Now it is eleven grandchildren,
and four great grandchildren later. Now living in North Bend, WA and retired from Boeing. |
11/15/2021 |
Carra Lee "Carrie" (West) Bolger |
carraleebolger [at] gmail dot com |
I live on Lake Sammamish with my husband of 30 years. We are enjoying life and traveling a lot. I am also involved in ministry in our church and in another ministry for teenagers called "Young LIfe". I am still snow skiiing and water skiing, swimming and dancing!! And we are owners of a small ship cruise line, "Cruise West", cruising to Alaska during the summer months and many other destinations during the rest of the year, including Costa Rica, the Panama Canal, the Sea of Cortez, the South Pacific and the Orient. Let me know if any of you are interested in any of these cruises. You can get more information on our web site: |
5/11/2007 |
Carol I (Westberg) Bonenko |
ajandci [at] hotmail dot com |
I retired from the United Airlines in 2002 and the Boeing Company in 2020. Allen (‘62) and I live in Kent Washington. |
8/18/2022 |
Donald S. Williams |
dsw1222 [at] earthlink dot net |
Sharing time between Ocean Shores, WA and Indio, CA. |
12/20/2006 |
Bill Wilson |
rainbowfamily [at] comcast dot net |
Retired from US Army and King County in 2004. Continued to work some until 70 yo, married to my wife for 56 years until she passed in 2023, a bunch of kids, four grandchildren and living in Kent WA. Would love to hear from others! |
6/29/2024 |
Worrall V. "Whip" Wilson |
woody dot wilson [at] cox dot net |
Retired from the Air Force and living in Hampton, Virginia since 1988. |
9/18/2011 |
Christine Zandbergen |
prosperhouse4002 [at] gmail dot com |
Tacoma WA |
8/6/2007 |
L D Zobrist |
class62 [at] qagrizzlies dot org |
Seattle, WA |
8/3/2005 |