Queen Anne High School Class Page  

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Class Information

CLASS COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM: To see your graduation program, click here.

Classmate Status

NEARBY CLASSMATES: To find classmates living nearby, by the country, state & city/town, click here.

DECEASED CLASSMATES: To view a listing of your deceased classmates so as to be able to honor dear friends, click here.

MISSING CLASSMATES: Help us find our missing classmates! To view your classmates for whom we have no current contact information, click here.

Voluntary Web Directory

Many alumni have requested an e-mail directory so as to be able to contact "lost" friends. We hope to enable many side conversations and some mini-reunions.

Wary of "spamming," the QAHSAA Board has agreed to provide such a directory with the reservations that only those who complete the Directory Sign-up Form or e-mail us with express permission to post their names and e-mail addresses will be added to the directory. Please use the sign-up form to also make corrections (such as e-mail changes) or to remove yourself. To return to the main Directory page, click here.

NOTE: To send an e-mail to a classmate, replace the " [at] " in the listed e-mail address with a "@" and replace the " dot " with "." to make the e-mail address valid. This has been done to reduce SPAM.

Name E-mail Address Comment Updated
Virginia M "Ginger" (Allan) Macintosh gingermacintosh [at] hotmail dot com I am a retired special education teacher with a master's in reading education. I still tutor, but at the present time, renovation of a house has kept me busy. I golf in a league and travel with my sister. My husband prefers to stay home with the dogs.
I'm looking forward to a 50th reunion!
Linda (Allen) Dishneau DISHNEAU [at] aol dot com 8/3/2005
Shirley J (Allen) Glas sjglas [at] gmail dot com Married David in 1970 and moved to Houston, TX. In 1972 moved to 3M headquarters in St. Paul, MN. David retired in 2003 and a couple years later I retired as tech coordinator at elementary school. We have two sons, one daughter and 5 grandchildren. We enjoy golf, camping and goofing around. Love our relaxing retirement! Enjoy keeping in touch with other QA grads via FB. Updated 3/3/2018 3/3/2018
Bruce W Ammerman Paammer [at] aol dot com I retired after 40!years at Boeimg ending up as an executive. Married for 50 years. Two adult children with 2 granddaughters, and a grandson. We now are living at trilogy in Bonney Lake. 11/18/2021
Lillian Bladine clarkbladine [at] comcast dot net Living in Salem Oregon. Plan on attending Queen Anne HS Alumni Events and reconnecting with friends. 10/9/2014
Gary (Boyle) same garyboyle39 [at] hotmail dot com 3/28/2016
James "Ed" Burningham jecoolb3 [at] gmail dot com I would like to remember several individual who left us way to soon: John Kraabel, Kippy Gray, Nick Vojkovich, Jack Mehner, Dave Kettles, Tom Blessing, Mark Budd…RIP I live on Whidbey Island, married 42 years, two daughters, two grand daughters. Retired 2003 / King County Sheriffs Dept. 30 years. 9/19/2021
Donald Campbell dmcampbell336 [at] gmail dot com I have been married for 51 years but now am single since my wife passed away in 2022. 2/7/2023
Kati (Cantalini) Robison katirobison [at] comcast dot net UW grad, enjoying my final year in the technology industry before retiring at the end of 2014. Recently moved to Tucson, AZ after snow-birding for 10 yrs. 1 soon-to-be-married son, 3 stepkids, 4 step-grandkids all in the Seattle area. 8/10/2014
Pam (Carter) Bergin loveysmom049 [at] yahoo dot com Retired and living in Kansas City, MO since 1971. Husband Bob of 47 years, One son and daughter-in-law, and three grand-children. 11/15/2021
Bill Caton kccaton [at] comcast dot net Enjoying life ... 8/7/2016
John Christensen john08christensen [at] gmail dot com Retired science librarian from BYU. Live in Provo, Utah with wife, Nancy, of 46 years, doing my Norwegian genealogy, reading lots of mystery novels, and enjoying life. 4 kids and 16 grandkids. 1/30/2023
Gary Christopher gschristopher [at] hotmail dot com Retired after 40 plus years in the Information Technology field in 2011. Primary residence is now Edmonds, Washington;but spend a lot of time at our vacation house in Anacortes. Enjoy hiking and other activities with my class of ’67 buddies. Wife Barb and I have three daughters, and 4 grandkids. Volunteer for Northwest Trinity Project. 12/30/2021
Michael Clarke bedfordeng [at] hotmail dot com Currently live part of the year in the US and part of the year in England. My two children and two grandchildren live in the Seattle area. Retired in 2011 and enjoy travelling. 3/28/2016
Brian Cleveland bccleve03 [at] comcast dot net Finally retired, watching family grow in PUYALLUP. A "hi" to all who remember. 10/30/2014
Kristine "Kristi" (Eardley) Bolster misc608 [at] comcast dot net Recently retired (March 2013) after working as an accountant for many years. Live in Fall City with my husband of 32 years and am enjoying this stage of my life. Would love to hear from QAHS friends! 8/11/2014
Jack Fackerell Jack219 [at] frontier dot com Retired from teaching elementary school in Everett. Now I live on Whidbey Island with my partner. 10/21/2016
Clyde E Foreman clydeforeman [at] hotmail dot com Lori and I continue to enjoy grand parenting and have assimilated into the "Mountain" lifestyle of the Wasatch Mountains here in Salt Lake City. I am still enjoying work in Corporate Security and am looking forward to a few more productive years before switching gears. 3/28/2016
Thomas W. German Twgerman [at] aol dot com I'm retired and live in Honolulu. 1/15/2015
Jim C Green jim [at] t1wizard dot com Now living in Milford Delaware - too far from Seattle! 12/24/2009
Dean Heathcote dean [at] ddhgrp dot com I am retired and living in Bellevue, WA. 3/10/2009
Richard G "Rick" Hellem prairiechick7 [at] hotmail dot com 3/16/2011
Jeffrey C Hilton jchilton102 [at] msn dot com 1/12/2009
Mary "Jill" (Holbrook) Doyle Jildoyle [at] gmail dot com This Northwest girl could not handle Texas. I'm back in Seattle again! 2/7/2023
Dean Jackson deanjackson832 [at] gmail dot com Angie and I are now residing full time in gorgeous Puget Sound country, Dean is continuing the quest as a volunteer with Puget Soundkeepers to help in recovery efforts of Puget Sound (and great things for Puget Sound recovery are happening) as well as finding time to tinker with his piano, play golf, tennis, hike, and whatever else comes to mind in this beautiful part of the world.

Angie and I divide our time between the Central Washington Desert and Seattle, among other places.
Barbara (Jancura) Carlson barbarascarlson [at] msn dot com Retired in Mesa Arizona 3/18/2011
Don Kelly donk49 [at] hotmail dot com Mostly retired since 08. Worked throughout the U.S. and Ecuador. Looking forward to our first grandchild this year (16). 5/28/2016
Jim W Kidney beansjk [at] aol dot com Living in Sparks, Nevada. Really miss the three wonderful years at QA. 9/23/2011
Linda C. Kittelson Lndkittelson1 [at] gmail dot com I live in idealic Sonoma California. 4/1/2016
Kenneth D. "Ken" Loving ken dot loving [at] comcast dot net Financial exec. for 38 years, retired, living in Bellevue. Have 2 wonderful kids and 2 wonderful grandkids. All athletes and a lot smarter than me. 4/28/2011
Michael Lynn blade1949 [at] gmail dot com 8/3/2005
Arthur R "Art" Marriott Need Valid Email 1/30/2024
KATHY M (MATRONIC) WHALEN yumarv [at] hotmail dot com 11/11/2013
Patricia "Paty" (May) Collins Collinspl317 [at] comcast dot net Sophmore '64; moved to Berlin, Germany. 3/16/2010
Claudia C (Merle) Lengenfelder clengenfelder [at] gmail dot com 4/17/2009
David J Montzingo frdavid [at] holyspiritchurchsd dot org IFrom 2017 to 2021 I served as the first Canon for Clergy Formation in the Diocese of Western Anglicans (Anglican Church of North America). While I am now retired form that position, I continue to act as a consultant for clergy formation, teaching and mentoring those in our ordination process. Last year I was named Assistant Professor of Anglican Studies, Spiritual Formation, and Ministry Leadership at Pacific Theological Seminary (www.pacificseminary.org) here in San Diego at Holy Spirit Anglican Church. The Rev. Canon David Montzingo, D.Min. 3/20/2023
Steve Orme stevenjorme [at] gmail dot com I live in Carlsbad, CA (north San Diego County). Married Linda Dance (QA Class of '73) - five children, 11 grandkids. All doing great. 11/15/2021
Bradley A Overbeck brad [at] demaria dot net I live in Longview, WA. I am semi-retired due to the recent COVID mandates. I have been doing contract work; remediation on medical devices for the last 3 years. 11/19/2021
Wendy L Paul wendypaul [at] cablespeed dot com 3/14/2011
Bev Questad bevquestad49 [at] msn dot com 7/24/2007
Linda S. (Ralph) Post-Smith lpostsmith [at] comcast dot net I am retired, have great-grandchildren now. Mostly good, but last year my one granddaughter was killed in Kent. Currently I am trying to down size, and that is difficult. Hard to get the timing just right with selling my home, and finding just the right place to move. I have been spoiled with a great view of Lake Louise, and a swimming pool. Sure do not need such a large home. Hope to make it to this years' gathering. 6/29/2024
Terry Riggs terryriggs [at] hotmail dot com Redmond, WA. Retired in 2003. 8/3/2005
Andrea (Ringstad) Smith andrearsmith [at] comcast dot net Retired from education.
Celebrating 50th wedding anniversary.
Two children and three grandchildren.
Living in Seattle and Maui.
James J. Rubin tuglion [at] yahoo dot com Retired in 2009 from US Army (32 years). Married to Barbara for 38 years, 2 sons, grand kids. Living in Bonney Lake with frequent trips to Hawaii where I grew up. It's all good! 3/14/2017
Dianne E. (Rudd) Chapman gtoladie [at] yahoo dot com I retired from Boeing in 2003 and currently live on the water in Gig Harbor. I still have my GTO, two great kids and love to travel! 2/27/2007
Larry Running LarryRunning [at] yahoo dot com Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 8/3/2005
Janice (Sampson) Otto coco dot otto [at] yahoo dot com Widowed after 38 years of marriage, retired and moved to Redmond, WA to be closer to my children and grandchildren. 3/10/2016
Bonnie Shapiro bshapiro [at] ucalgary dot ca Hello to all of my friends from Queen Anne and Magnolia. I have lived in Canada since 1975 and am currently a Professor in Science and Environmental Education at the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta. I would love to attend any upcoming reunion. 8/3/2005
Jack R "Jack" Shupe soulenacting [at] gmail dot com Now living part time in Santo Nino, Sulat, Eastern Samar, The Philippines. Built a new home on the oceanfront. 4/2/2016
Marcia L Simpson snorkelfin [at] gmail dot com Last August I moved back to the Pacific NW after a nearly 30 year stint in Maryland, just outside of Washington DC. I first retired from AT&T, then I retired yet again from the US House of Representatives. I now live on Marrowstone Island just south of Port Townsend in Washington State (much preferable to the DC Washington!). 2/19/2022
Paul Smith phsmith55 [at] dc dot rr dot com Moved to San Francisco Bay Area in 1975. After 25 years in Santa Clara County's IT Dept, My wife and I reitred to Palm Desert, CA 3/3/2024
David T Walker sdpd1042 [at] gmail dot com I am still living in Cedar City, UT since 1996 and married 34 years with two step children and 3 grandchildren. Although a retired LEO, State of Utah Investigator and Iron County School District Special Needs assistant, I am still active in our Iron County Sheriff's Office Posse. We patrol our county wide area and assist deputies and citizens. I am still an avid motorcycle rider currently with a 2019 Road Glide Special, for those of you who know Harleys. I try to get in at least one extended trip a year. Best to each of you in the coming years! 6/29/2024
Margaret A. "Maggie" (Wilbur) Hoff maggiemae67 [at] msn dot com 6/7/2006
Ron Wilkinson rwilk99 [at] gmail dot com Retired as engineer in 2017 and moved to Edmonds from East Coast. Volunteer here and overseas, mechanic at a bike shop in Everett and do most of my shopping and chores on e-bikes. Gardening, landscaping, watch lots of movies and read lots of books. Take German and Spanish lessons online. Still travel some but the airlines are so terrible! 7/8/2024
Janice "Jan" (Williams) McCall jwmccall [at] hotmail dot com Currently reside in Dayton, NV and Kingman AZ. 9/26/2022
Robert Wilson wilsonvark1 [at] gmail dot com Fellow 1967 Classmates. Anybody up for putting together a committee to put on a 50th party? After losing my Lora, my desires on doing it by myself have gone. I would help. Lets get this ball rolling, ok. Hope to hear from many of you.
Barbara (Young) Boohm byboohm [at] gmail dot com I live in Chehalis, Wa. My mother still lives in Seattle. 1/1/2015
Maria Zorich judyjoe48 [at] hotmail dot com Live,laugh,and love those wrinkles,earned every one of them. They give my seven grandchildren something special to look forward to. 9/9/2007