Queen Anne High School Class Page  

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Class Information

CLASS COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM: To see your graduation program, click here.

Classmate Status

NEARBY CLASSMATES: To find classmates living nearby, by the country, state & city/town, click here.

DECEASED CLASSMATES: To view a listing of your deceased classmates so as to be able to honor dear friends, click here.

MISSING CLASSMATES: Help us find our missing classmates! To view your classmates for whom we have no current contact information, click here.

Voluntary Web Directory

Many alumni have requested an e-mail directory so as to be able to contact "lost" friends. We hope to enable many side conversations and some mini-reunions.

Wary of "spamming," the QAHSAA Board has agreed to provide such a directory with the reservations that only those who complete the Directory Sign-up Form or e-mail us with express permission to post their names and e-mail addresses will be added to the directory. Please use the sign-up form to also make corrections (such as e-mail changes) or to remove yourself. To return to the main Directory page, click here.

NOTE: To send an e-mail to a classmate, replace the " [at] " in the listed e-mail address with a "@" and replace the " dot " with "." to make the e-mail address valid. This has been done to reduce SPAM.

Name E-mail Address Comment Updated
Bienvenido "Beny" Abiles BenAbiles [at] aol dot com Happily married. Four grown children, seven grandsons and one granddaughter. Lived in Kissimmee, Florida since retirement from the US Coast Guard in April 2000, but moved to a smaller home in Powder Springs, Georgia in March 2023 to be nearer to one of our children who lives in Marietta. My wife of 51+ years and I have been road warriors the past two years with trips to visit our other children in Iowa City, Iowa, Tucson, Arizona and Gresham, Oregon. 6/29/2024
David A. Aitken eastsideharley [at] yahoo dot com 31 years with Paccar in Renton Washington retired 1999 15 years with Harley Davidson moved from Seattle to Coeur d Alene Id.in July 2015.RETIRED FOR GOOD. 3/12/2016
Tim Austin taustin [at] nwtaxlaw dot com Married to Christy Robb (Roosevelt β€˜69). Four children (2 Dawgs, 2 Cougs) and six grandchildren. Living in Mill Creek, and still enjoying the full-time practice of law in Bellevue, with no thought of retirement. In my spare time, I have been serving as Chairman of the H1 Unlimited Hydroplane Racing Series for the past several years. 2/13/2023
Bob Balder bobbalder50 [at] gmail dot com Living on Camano Island with my beautiful wife Lisa. Lovin' life "out of the city". 3/27/2016
Pauline a "Polly" (Ball) Bullert Paulinebullert24 [at] gmail dot com 1/18/2015
Jerry Barbour jbarbour9 [at] yahoo dot com Didn't finish at school due to Viet Nam but would have graduated in 1968. 8/3/2005
David Barsion davidbarsion [at] gmail dot com 8/31/2018
Carole (Bertram) Bleistein ckcollage [at] comcast dot net I am a professional artist living in seattle. After University of Washington I married and have been a practicing artist for over 25 years. I have two daughters both successful in life and business. No grand children but am grandmother to three dogs. After living in Canada a year I returned to Seattle and have been here ever since. I have had an on line presence for over eight years giving me the chance to meet people from all over the world. 6/29/2024
Barbara A "Barb" Boyle b dot boyle [at] frontier dot com Retired and living in Edmonds. Did a lot of traveling, for many years, and am now enjoying staying around the area.
Love not having to wake up to an alarm clock! :)
Doug Bright dougbright1949 [at] gmail dot com Musician, music journalist, and publisher of HERITAGE MUSIC REVIEW: www.heritagemusicreview.com. 8/27/2008
Douglas Coleman dwcoleman [at] live dot com 11/26/2024
Stephanie P (Davis) Lawrence Need Valid Email Attended QA for 7th & 8th grade moving to McClure for th first quarter of 9th grade before moving to Butler JrH & Shorline HS. After a stint at Honeywell I went to work for Greg Thompson Productions (The Music Hall in Seattle)to be Company Mgr for large resort & Cruise ship production shows. Moved on to event production in LV. Ended up at MARS then retired in 2010. Back in WA in Tacoma where my son lives. Would like to hear from old friends. 4/18/2023
Beverly (Davis) Allen BeverlyKAllen [at] gmail dot com Married to Bill Allen for 35 years. Mostly retired from being a CPA and "Living the dream" in Bend, Oregon where we can ski, bike, hike and do yoga minutes away from home. Appreciating the joys of living an examined life. 2/7/2023
Mike Dey msdey50 [at] aol dot com After 31 years out of State, I moved back to Seattle and now live in West Seattle. I had a wonderful career in the Pharmaceutical Industry and since moving back to the northwest in 2010 I have been spending my time trying to give back and traveling both inside and outside the US. The concern over Covid has curbed some of my ex-Us travels but not my desires to see parts of the world and the cultures that make those areas so interesting. Eager to get back on a plane and to listen to languages I don’t understand. 11/30/2021
Sandy (Duke) Wrinkle sandeeww [at] comcast dot net 8/3/2005
Lael M Duncan laeldunc [at] yahoo dot com I moved to Okanogan County in 1987 after careers in Insurance, Banking, and Real Estate Development. I've had a wild ride but the last 15 years I've served as the CEO of Okanogan County Community Action Council (Social Service Non profit) and have resided in my home on the Okanogan River where I raised my daughter and son. Both are now grown - my daughter lives in Spokane and is working on grandchild #3 and my son is living in Brooklyn working on a comedy writing and performance career. My Step daughter also lives in Spokane and has a son who is soon to be 18. All in all life is good and I'm very grateful for the education I received at QAHS as it gave me the start I needed to succeed despite life's curve balls! Hope you are all happy and healthy. 3/29/2016
George W Emeny Gwemotorhd [at] aol dot com After service &collage spent 50years as a marine diesel mechanic. Walked down every dock,pier and shipyard between Panama city Panama and Dutch Harbor Ak. You can see QA from just about every dock in Seattle. Retired Dec. of'15. Mild stroke in june of '15 made retiring a little more urgent. Moved out of Auburn to the rainshadow of Sequim. Anyone headed up to the North coast give me a call/email. I'm always good for a cup of coffee 6/19/2016
Edith (Engle) Prince efprince [at] hotmail dot com Living in NE Texas with my husband of 38 years. We have two grown (unmarried) sons 35 and 36. No grandchildren yet. I'm a retired civil servant and my husband, Monty, will retire in a couple years. I am interested in gardening, genealogy and birdwatching. 10/29/2009
Sheila C (Esch) Cox r dot dcox [at] msn dot com I live in Klamath Falls, Oregon. I'm married now for 42 years and have two grown sons and 6 grandchildren. I am about to retire after 25+ years as an accountant at Oregon Institute of Technology. 11/16/2008
Carol Fahrenbruch cfahrenbruch [at] gmail dot com Did not get to attend QA - family moved to Wenatchee. Attended Coe Elementary and Blaine Jr High 10/14/2009
Virginia G "Ginny" (Fellows) Socha bonehauler [at] msn dot com Was a Navy dependent and housewife for many years living in Hawaii and Seattle. Now reside in Belfair, Wash. and commute daily to work in Seattle for King County Public Health. Single after all these years and have 4 grown children, 2 boys and 2 girls and 2 grandchildren, 1 boy and 1 girl who are the light of my life. Hope to retire in about 4 years. Love traveling, classic cars, and hanging out with friends. Enjoy reading where my fellow class mates are! 6/12/2010
Debbi (Fine) Gulberg debbi dot gulberg [at] gmail dot com I live in Lake Forest Park with my husband of 50 years. We have two grown, single children living in the Seattle area. I retired from teaching cute little 3rd graders in Woodinville most of my career. We travel a lot and I enjoy gardening, watercolor painting and walking. 1/14/2025
Jeanne I. (Fisher) Levin trustsandprobates [at] gmail dot com 8/3/2009
Weltha Jane (Forsyth) Jensen janefjensen [at] comcast dot net Hi fellow Grizzlies. I'm a widow living in Salt Lake City, Utah. I am retired from a long career as a Registered Nurse. Would love to hear from you, even if I didn't know you well. I love reading the KUAY and doing Square Foot Gardening. Best wishes.
Norman H "Norm" Gipe normgipe [at] yahoo dot com Remember the NEUROTICS? Some of the best times ever were playing at our school dances. Married 53 yrs now to sue matthew. Retired from Boeing. Two kids, four grandkids. Living in arlington wa. 2/7/2023
David B. Goodell dave [at] goodellhotel dot com Moved back to Seattle in 1974 & have been living in Magnolia ever since! 10/2/2013
Jodi (Grabin) Bagley jbagley [at] rainierconnect dot com Livin' the dream in Tacoma, WA 5/12/2014
Charles "Chuck" Hairell charles_hairell [at] comcast dot net 1/31/2018
Patti (Hammack) McKee mpmckee1 [at] msn dot com 9/9/2011
Thomas M Haney Need Valid Email Live in Minneapolis, MN. married for 39 years, two sons, two daughter in-laws and three grand children. I'm an investigator for an insurance company. 1/30/2011
Rob W Hartzell Need Valid Email I've been a technician in various trades for most of my working life. Most recently on telephones but robots and cars before that and in the building trades as well. I like board sports, green cars, and dinosaurs. I lost track of John Harley and Brenda in Minnesota, does anyone have contact information? Also, hey Tim, just kidding, thanks for all the volunteer work on reunions. 3/4/2008
James A. "Jim" Henderson Doublejk [at] yahoo dot com Just celebrated 34 years with my beautiful bride Joanne, we have two children and are expecting our first grandchild this winter. I have been retired for a couple of years so we have been doing some traveling around this great country we live in. 9/6/2013
Chris T. Hendrickson cthendrickson [at] gmail dot com I have been in Pittsburgh 40+ years now. I have three married kids plus grandkids. Sadly, my wife of over forty years passed away from ovarian cancer. 11/19/2021
Patricia "Patty" (Hendrickson) Finn pattyfinn1 [at] yahoo dot com Retired from the Boeing Company. I have been married for over 40 years. I put that in as I have no idea what year this will be read. Left Queen Anne 2006. We have two children and two grand kids. We left the big city to a quieter rural area. Best thing we ever did! 11/10/2017
Susan R. Hulbert susanhulbert [at] yahoo dot com Graduated from the University of Washington Business School in 1972; married Tom Redding in 1999 (did not change my last name); after over 40 years working as an accountant in private industry, I retired in 2019; been living in Brier, WA since 1996. Life is great! 2/7/2023
Jim S Hutchinson pedlpowr [at] hotmail dot com Currently living in University Place (near Tacoma) working for State of WA Emergency Management and planning for 'the big one' - no kidding! Married w/2 grown kids and 2 grandchildren. Lived for 20+ years in Kirkland & still plan to move back there in a few years. 11/11/2014
Abhijati "Oddy" JuaThes Oddy dot juathes [at] gmail dot com Dear Friends
I graduated from Q A HS in 1968 and gratuated from U W in 1972 after that I came back to THAILAND and worked as a police officer until I retired in 2009 and my last position before I retired is commander region 6 metropoltan Bangkok Thailand , Now I live in Bangkok but take a trip to Seattle sometime.
Karla A. (Kendig) Holmes holmesck [at] comcast dot net I live onBainbridge Island, WA. 3/19/2019
Ken Koernke kendonna [at] thurston dot com 8/3/2005
Patricia Langdon pattilangdon1950 [at] gmail dot com Retired from Boeing (30 yr) living on cusp of Mukilteo, retired and very happy. 12/18/2017
Phil Lavik Lavik dot philip [at] gmail dot com My wife (Christine) & I retired the summer of 2019 & live west of Port Angeles on Lake Crescent. We have three children and eight grandchildren. 11/19/2021
Katherine "Kathy" (Lewis) Hawk katherinelewis [at] centurytel dot net I live on a small farm in Kingston with my husband, Sam Hawk,who was one year ahead of me at QA. I have worked as a college teacher, landscaper, commercial fisher woman and am now mostly retired and watching the trees grow. I write poetry, paint pictures, ride a good horse, keep a garden. 7/8/2014
Astrid (Lunde) Feldman alfeldman49 [at] gmail dot com 6/29/2024
Andrea D. "Ande" (Maillet) Kriedt sistersranch [at] gmail dot com A Ballard and then U W graduate. Worked since the late 70s as a public transportation coordinator and later as a senior transportation planner. Live in Seattle with husband who is a senior environmental planner, our son, cat and two dogs. Just about to move our son over to WSU. When not working love to garden, travel, read, cook for friends and family, and volunteer at the Burke Museum. 7/27/2011
Doug Martin docomartin [at] aol dot com After spending many years in Richland with the DoD, we now live in Lynnwood. Married 35 years, two children 28 and 31, and two grandchildren - the joy of our lives.
After 30 years in contracts and negotiations, we are considering retirement.
Scott E Mayhew se dot mayhew [at] comcast dot net I'm retired,living in Freeland Wa. with my wife Karin.Enjoying the slow Island pace.No traffic,sorry Seattle. 3/26/2015
Teri K (McGuinn) Beard teri_mcguinn [at] hotmail dot com 3/27/2016
Kathy (McQuaker) Reynolds kreynold1 [at] hotmail dot com 7/3/2007
Mike Murphy thormurphy [at] hotmail dot com I have moved up out of southern Utah, and me and my family are now living in Colfax,Wa. I have been married to Patty for 31 + years. We have raised 4 wonderful kids,two if which live with in 6 miles of us. We have been blessed with 4,and one on the way, grandchildern. We lived in Utah for 30 years,till the kids started to have grandbabys with out us. So about a year ago we moved to Colfax. Over the last 30 years I have stayed friends with many other Grizzlies. I would like to hear from others out there. 8/3/2005
Daniel J Nordlund djnordlund [at] gmail dot com Married since 1974. We have two children and two grandchildren and have lived in the Bothell/Mill Creek, WA area since 1991 (after 15 years in Ohio). Currently working for WA State DSHS doing medical service and economics research. 5/16/2011
David M Otto davidmotto33 [at] gmail dot com In a way surprised to live long enough to retire. Now, married 39 years, & reclaiming the yard with landscaping & gardening as hobby in Federal Way. I'm trying to be the perfect example of an inner city hermit. 1/28/2018
Dennis C Rabe dcrabepepsi [at] comcast dot net would like to connect with my friends from high school 3/28/2016
Jan (Renard) Murphy Janrmurphy [at] gmail dot com We moved from Queen Anne Hill to Broadview so I didn't attend QAHS. I went to Coe School, then Thompson Jr. High then Ingraham, graduating in 1968. I lived in Roswell, GA for 36 years, and now live in Montana. 11/15/2021
Donald P Reynolds dp dot areynolds [at] hotmail dot com Married for 35years now to Joan (Holly Names), 3 wonderful, successful kids. Opened my own optical store in 88, still going strong. Handing it off to my eldest and co-worker. 10/3/2013
David E Rice daviderice6 [at] gmail dot com Living in Katy, TX having retired from GE as electrical engineer in 2016 after 43 years. Married since 1982 to Janie who I met at church singles group. Four kids and six grandchildren in CA, OK, OH and NY so we travel a lot! 11/18/2021
Jefrie S (Ringstad) Adams docjef [at] comcast dot net Still healthy and enjoying fife with family & friends! 4/12/2016
Curt Rowell curt dot rowell [at] gmail dot com Living in Easton, PA. Daily commute to the day job in NYC. Not likely to retire soon! 2/7/2023
Shirley (Sandberg) Vicklund sasvicklund [at] comcast dot net Lives in Edmonds, WA and raised three grown daughters in this town. Enjoys travel, line dancing and connecting with Queen Anne friends. Recently spent a month in Africa with several widow friends. Off to Bali and Australia with this same group in March of 2023. 11/15/2022
Joy (Sawyer) Amundson amundjoy [at] gmail dot com 2/16/2009
Renee R (Shearer) Williams reneerobin [at] Frontier dot com 8/24/2007
John Shiels shielsjw [at] frontier dot com Mountlake Terrace, WA 2/20/2013
Michael F Smith mikesme [at] seattleu dot edu Spent youth traveling, working, partying. Settled down finally in 1987 back in Seattle. Single parent, raised two great kids. Retired from Seattle University. 2/7/2023
Michael Stangland mstangland4472 [at] roadrunner dot com I'm currently residing in the Southern California area and looking forward to attending the upcoming 40th. 4/20/2008
Steven Lowell Vadman slvadman7 [at] gmail dot com Happily married for 35 years, two great sons, living in Kirkland for 31 years, Retired from Boeing after 30 years in 2009. Enjoying Retirement. 3/28/2016
Lucelle E (Van Kempen) Barrett-Biechler Lucelle7 [at] aol dot com I currently live in Lake Stevens, married to husband Buzz, have 3 daughters and 3 grandkids, and am actively involved with Snohomish Community Church. I will be retiring this June from teaching 6th grade in the Edmonds School District. I look forward to turning off the annoying πŸ˜‚ alarm clock, & celebrating my successful career by traveling first to Hawaii, followed by an extended European extravaganza this fall! Yahoo!πŸ‘πŸ·πŸΎ 3/9/2017
Charles R "Bob" Van Tassel charlesrvantassel [at] yahoo dot com Single, two daughters grown and gone, living in Mukilteo 5/19/2008
Jean M (Versoi) Holdcraft JeannieMarieHol [at] gmail dot com Would love to hear from all Grizzlies I've known over the years! 7/24/2013
Sharon L (Waliser) Johnson Slj dot marissamoon [at] gmail dot com 8/26/2016
Nathan B "Bud" Warner Jr honestnate49 [at] gmail dot com My best to you all! I am happy here in the central rockies of Colorado. 8/21/2024
Judith Weden Need Valid Email Would love to hear from my friends. 7/30/2016
Elizabeth "Elizabeth 'Betsy'" (Weeks) Pankey ewpgull [at] comcast dot net Attended University of Arizona, Tuscon, after graduating QA. Married in 1971, daughter born in 1972 and after living in Arkansas for 2yrs and CA for 4, we moved back to WA. We live in Shoreline. I am a retired freelance humorous illustrator/graphic designer/caricaturist and newsletter editor. 11/22/2021
Joyce Wells voicebyjoyce [at] gmail dot com I am a retired music teacher in upstate New York. For more than 20 years I traveled the world with an organization that teaches meditation and self-dicsovery. I still practice that and serve that organization. I lived for several years in India and studied Indian music as well. Happy, healthy and very grateful. Now in my third act I am focusing on creating beautiful sounds – vocal coaching with private students. I often remember the years at Queen Anne and would love to hear from any of you. All the best! 6/29/2024
Barbara "Barbee" (Weyer) Twaddell Barbtwaddell [at] comcast dot net I am a retired research RN working for many years for the UW at Harborview Medical Center, focusing mainly on clinical drug trials. I was married for 37 years but sadly now widowed. Luckily I have two wonderful daughters and two wonderful grandchildren. I have lived in Richmond Beach in Shoreline for 40 years and I like to oil paint in my spare time. 11/15/2021
Charles E "Charley" Wheaton bealeaderchas [at] hotmail dot com We are proud of our eight grandchildren. We currently live in Walla Walla, WA and are both enjoying retirement and doing some volunteer work. I am proud of the book that was published in 2022: "At Your Service: Living the Lessons of Servant Leadership." 2/7/2023
Helen C (Wright) Greatorex hgreatorex [at] hotmail dot com 7/5/2012