Thomas G "Tom" Adams |
tomadams1954 [at] outlook dot com |
12/2/2014 |
Lindsey Arnold |
ltcarnold [at] hotmail dot com |
U.S. Army overseas |
8/3/2005 |
William P. Aurich |
wpaurich [at] hotmail dot com |
3/27/2016 |
"Joa (Angie)" (Barkley) Dattilo |
bc2chi [at] cybermesa dot com |
Santa Fe, New Mexico has been my home since 1980. I retired a few years back from my own business as a contract paralegal. My wife and I have been together for 26 years; we have three amazing grandkids. I love nature and making art, and I'm still the class clown! |
3/14/2024 |
Vee A (Baxter) Harris |
palospark54 [at] gmail dot com |
I work as an Information & Referral Specialist for King County 2-1-1. It is very rewarding/stressful work. I have been able to continue working from an office which is how I prefer to work. I think retirement is in the future, so that I can visit my grandchildren in Florida and not have to get up at 6 a.m.!! |
11/16/2021 |
Terry Benish |
terrybenish [at] hotmail dot com |
Indianola, WA |
8/3/2005 |
Linda M. (Body) Adkins |
myemail dot lma [at] gmail dot com |
We left our lovely Birch Bay home in 2016, to return permanently to our Queen Anne home, after my husband (Ken) retired from his second career. We now keep very busy with our grandchildren - to watch them develop and grow is amazing.
I’ve been truly blessed by those QAHS friends who have continued to remain in contact after so many years. Thank you for enriching my life! |
2/7/2023 |
Brian Bowe |
bbowemd [at] hotmail dot com |
I am an Ophthalmologist in East Wenatchee. I retired in 2021 but I still do some medical mission work in Mombasa, Kenya. Sara and I have now been married for over 40 years. We have three kids, all married, and have three grandkids. I play the piano quite a bit in various theatrical productions in our area, the Wenatchee Big Band (20+ years), and at our church. I enjoy golfing and fly fishing when I get the chance. We enjoy traveling and we do not let the grass grow beneath our feet. If you are in our area, give me a call. It would be fun to reconnect. |
2/7/2023 |
Barbara C Burgess |
bcbburgess [at] comcast dot net |
I moved to Vancouver, WA., from Seattle on November 1, 2012. |
3/30/2013 |
June C (Claflin) Saty |
juneinballard [at] yahoo dot com |
12/11/2007 |
Cathie C (Coit) Algara |
algara [at] comcast dot net |
Married to Dan Gill ('69) unroll he passed away in 2008.
I have remarried and retired.
Living near Aberdeen. |
11/19/2021 |
Cheryl L (Cole) Shdo |
cheryl_shdo [at] yahoo dot com |
2/17/2011 |
Suzelle Cowan |
suzcowan [at] gmail dot com |
Living in Sumner, WA. |
5/18/2011 |
Kitty Doran |
krd4pbd [at] comcast dot net |
Does anyone have the tassle from the graduating cap? I am willing to purchase, if you have one. Never got mine and wish I had it. Thanks. |
8/7/2010 |
Carla J (Dowell) Dean |
CarlaJDean [at] gmail dot com |
3/25/2011 |
Mike Elder |
elder dot mike [at] comcast dot net |
Utah |
8/3/2005 |
Carolyn Gowdy |
gowdyworks [at] gmail dot com |
Life is an adventure . . . life is a gift! Am an artist and illustrator, maker of narrative paintings, drawings, and collages populated by a cast of idiosyncratic characters amidst playful, reflective, and philosophical imagery. Also a writer, poet, and experimental multimedia artist. Based in London since 1977. |
1/23/2009 |
Debra "Debbie" Graham |
suelouann [at] aol dot com |
Retired in 2014 after 39yrs with the Telephone industry. One daughter Melissa, 2 grandchild Tessa&Victoria. In a 26yr committed relationship with my partner Willie. |
3/28/2016 |
Gary Gustafson |
huskyviper [at] gmail dot com |
Been living in Sunset Hill in Ballard for the last 25+ years, also have a place in Surprise Az. |
8/28/2011 |
Kenneth C Hand |
Khand1122 [at] gmail dot com |
Living in Roseburg,Or |
2/23/2013 |
Dave Hardy |
hardyredwine [at] gmail dot com |
Now living in Goodyear, AZ and loving it. |
8/30/2013 |
Bruce A Hedman |
bruce dot hedman [at] uconn dot edu |
I have been teaching math at the University of Connecticut since 1982, and have pastored the Abington Congregational Church since 1988. Sandy and I have been married since 1980.
. |
3/27/2016 |
Susan K Hori |
susankhori [at] gmail dot com |
Have been living and practicing law in Orange County, California since 1982. |
6/20/2012 |
Carole J (Hougom) Giancola |
giancola [at] whidbey dot com |
Whidbey Island |
10/4/2007 |
Bryan Hubert |
bhubertone [at] gmail dot com |
11/15/2021 |
Karen (Jacoby) French |
kjf15 [at] comcast dot net |
Retired to the suburbs and really enjoy the quieter life. |
2/7/2023 |
Don Johnson |
quakker [at] wavecable dot com |
On five largely wooded acres north of Sedro-Woolley -- deer, raccoons, opossum, squirrels, & chipmunks are my nearest neighbors! |
2/24/2023 |
Thomas P Jonnes |
tomjonnes [at] msn dot com |
2/16/2012 |
Lori A Meldrum (Klingensmith) Meldrum |
lamglm [at] comcast dot net |
Living in Edmonds for over 30 years now; have worked for (not at) Seattle Children's Hospital for almost 14 years. |
4/16/2012 |
Fred Knutzen |
dowachubub [at] aol dot com |
12/24/2008 |
Mark Kozu |
markkozu [at] gmail dot com |
2/21/2007 |
Robert "Rob" Lancaster |
Rob3219 [at] gmail dot com |
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Love hearing from people! |
4/11/2024 |
Gary J Lindholm |
glindholm2010 [at] hotmail dot com |
3/23/2012 |
Ken Lohse |
ken [at] osc-voc dot com |
Seattle |
8/3/2005 |
Doug Lorentz |
dwlo [at] aol dot com |
Tokyo, Japan |
8/3/2005 |
Debbie (Lynch) Anderson |
deblyn2 [at] hotmail dot com |
San Diego, California |
10/8/2015 |
Linda (Magistrale) LeVander |
italianchick423 [at] att dot net |
I have live in Southern California for almost 40 years I have worked for Amtrak for almost 40 years as well. I am retiring in July, and I'm looking forward to it. I have been married to Mark for 30 years and we have 2 kids ages 22 and 20.
1/5/2014 |
Margie (McIntosh) Robert |
margie dot robert [at] gmail dot com |
Edmonds, WA |
6/14/2014 |
Kent A McLaughlin |
kentmclaughlin61 [at] gmail dot com |
Since graduating I married in 81 and have owned a catering company in Seattle, lived in Index Wa where i was city councilman for 11 some years - acted as Mayor pro-tem - - sold the big house on the hill 2 weeks before Dad died of a 17 year battle with prostate cancer and mom followed him 195 days later after an 8 year battle with Alzhimers - Sister Robyn '68 bought a motel in her town of Sprague WA and then in 99 I went over to run it for a year and ended up buying it and moving to Sprague - sold it in 2001 given the lack of customers thus starting over financially so now live in Spokane Valley and work for Future Forensics in Seattle writing Diminished Value reports for Vehicles after they have been repaired. Never had children, Robyn passed after a 360 day battle with colon cancer and Kriss and I are doing well and have two wire haired fox terriers for entertainment and we both still ride our bikes both mountain and road and have a trailer for the dogs. |
9/27/2016 |
Marilyn R. (Medley) Hoppen |
marilynhoppen [at] gmail dot com |
Gig Harbor, WA |
3/13/2009 |
Pamela L. "Pam" (Morton) Harris |
pamelapam [at] outlook dot com |
3/30/2016 |
Norla (Near) Walker |
walkernear [at] msn dot com |
8/3/2005 |
Margo J. (Ollerton) Hobbs |
missey3744 [at] gmail dot com |
Married since 1986 to Jim Hobbs of Hobbs Hilltop Automotive and now we are enjoying retirement, living in Stanwood Wa. We have no kids, but lots of nieces and nephews to enjoy. We sold our boat a few years ago and now love traveling in our RV. |
11/15/2021 |
Betsy (Peasley) Ross |
betsylross [at] gmail dot com |
1/16/2007 |
Evelyn G "Evy" Root |
provencenw [at] gmail dot com |
3/27/2016 |
Lloyd Rosenthal |
rumbleseat1932 [at] gmail dot com |
Aviation mechanic Boeing. |
7/22/2010 |
Joan M (Schafer) Elder |
joan_elder [at] comcast dot net |
Married my 9th grade boyfriend, Mike Elder (also a `72 Grizzly), after both of our spouses of 20 years passed away. His 5, my 6, & our 1 brought our `Yours Mine & Ours` to a total of 12. Our 27 year old son is the last at home. Mike works, and I minister to our +42 grandkids. Feel very blessed to have such wonderful kids & grandkids. Life is good. |
1/5/2025 |
Barb (Smith) Kathol |
Barb1022 [at] hotmail dot com |
Living in Edmonds |
9/7/2012 |
Greg C Streib |
gregstreib [at] yahoo dot com |
Hi just wanted to see who is still around i was maried to my first wife 30 years now to my 2nd wife 4.5 years i have 2 girls sharon 33 years and sara 23 years and a step daughter 21 years old 5 grand kids from 4.5 months old to 12 years old i work for the state of washingtion eor the last 27 years as a mechanic 3 right now for d.o.t tunnels i have a good life i hope to hear from some of you most likly did not think i would have of done much with my life but i have and wish all of you well thanks greg |
2/18/2010 |
Randy E. Sullivan |
randy dot e dot sullivan [at] hotmail dot com |
9/14/2008 |
Jane (Suttell) Zatlin |
zenfashion1 [at] gmail dot com |
I have lived in New York for over thirty years now. I remarried a family physician, Gabriel Zatlin, and we work in New York during the week, and garden in Ct. on the weekends. My son, Dylan, lives uptown and works for an architectural firm. I continue (madly!) to design clothes; currently working on a collaboration with a paper sculptor, translating origami shapes into coats. Math. All that calculus paying off! |
3/18/2011 |
Eric M Thomsen |
rockn3man [at] outlook dot com |
After getting back in touch with an old friend I was informed that I'd been listed as deceased. These rumors are greatly exaggerated. Though Florida can be droll at times it is hardly dead nor am I. 23 years there and a bit out of contact I'm afraid. Back in the NW again. |
6/9/2018 |
Lora G Torgesen |
coastred [at] pacbell dot net |
Semi-retired; live in Oakland, CA; two grown children, (1 each in WA and TX), and four grandchildren. |
11/18/2021 |
Jim Trew |
jimtrew [at] gmail dot com |
Moved to sunny Palm Springs California in Nov. 08, with my partner of 10 years. We love the area, and don't miss the rain. |
3/23/2009 |
Rinda M Ulbrickson |
rindamar [at] gmail dot com |
9/8/2008 |
James "Jim" Walz |
waxworks dot jim [at] comcast dot net |
4/29/2019 |
Michael "Mow" Warren |
michaeloliverwarren [at] gmail dot com |
Living in Richmond, California, Married for 30 years to Annette and have a son Gibran 32. I was one of the first Afro Ammercian transfer (bussing) students in the the 60s beginning with WQAE and Worth McClure. After graduation, I left Seattle to Persue a music career. I just knew I would be the rock/r&b bassist in a famous band. As fate has it, I toured for 15 year with Merl Saunders and the Rainforest Band beginning in the 80s with the last 10 years in the 90s. Well we got some fame opening for artists like Bob Weir, Jerry Garcia Band, David Grisman, Blues Traveler, BB King and Phish. We also headlined some great venues around the world and in some small way helped launch some great 90s band careers such as String Cheese Incident, Dave Mathews Band, Joan Osborn, and Michelle Shocked. In fact we performed smaller Seattle venues such as the Fenix, Firehouse and The Front during the 90s. I thank god for having the smarts to finished my degree in real estate management in 1989, because whe |
3/8/2006 |
Ral T West |
ralwest [at] me dot com |
Our home is in Sitka, Alaska, but you might find us just about anywhere since we travel a lot! |
3/28/2016 |
Jan M, Weyer |
jmweyer [at] comcast dot net |
4/3/2008 |
Brad W Wilson |
Need Valid Email |
Living on Lake Union life is good. Say hello . |
7/23/2016 |
Darcie (Wowaras) Bigelow |
rondarcie1 [at] aol dot com |
5/10/2008 |
Val (Zorich) Day |
mesvday [at] comcast dot net |
Live in the Sammamish area.Married 30 yrs.2 boys in college,Evan plays football for EWU and Sean plays BBall for BC. I sit on the couch and eat bon bons all day! |
10/6/2011 |