David C. Alberti |
dcalberti54 [at] gmail dot com |
10/23/2012 |
Paul Armitstead |
armits [at] comcast dot net |
Still living on Queen Anne. |
8/3/2005 |
Gerrit "Bill" Barrere |
gerrit [at] exality dot com |
Shoreline |
8/3/2005 |
Steven D. Bartkowski |
Bartkowski7 [at] yahoo dot com |
3/27/2016 |
Susan Blanchett |
Hbirdfeeder7 [at] yahoo dot com |
1/14/2023 |
Laverne "Bernie" Bowers |
bernieb3 [at] comcast dot net |
Ballard, WA |
6/29/2006 |
Jon Brumbach |
retreat7 [at] isomedia dot com |
Entered QAHS with the Class of 1974 but graduated one year early with the Class of 1973. |
6/29/2024 |
Michael R. "Mike" Burke |
susanjoyburke [at] live dot com |
Bellevue, WA |
1/8/2010 |
Rob Campbell |
rob dot campbell4 [at] frontier dot com |
8/14/2016 |
James Casale |
jamesmcasale [at] gmail dot com |
Living in north San Diego county (San Marcos) with my wife Denise. Semi-retired but still working part time selling commercial investment properties nationally. We enjoy yoga, walking, and I play golf once a week or so. Have one 5 year old grandson in San Diego who is a blessing! Kids are wonderful! |
5/12/2023 |
Paul Cathro |
cathropv [at] gmail dot com |
2/19/2023 |
Richard "Rick" Clark |
rickufit [at] gmail dot com |
3/27/2016 |
Claudia (Cochrane) Kelley |
Need Valid Email |
Ballard |
1/18/2010 |
Bruce W Cooley |
bwcooley [at] comcast dot net |
living in Puyallup, work at Good Samaritan Hospital since 1995, still snow ski, enjoy water sports, whitewater rafting, home improvement, and auto repair.Married since 1983, 2 sons. |
3/5/2016 |
Christy A (Cummings) Lancaster |
lancasterchristy [at] hotmail dot com |
Still living in Magnolia with Rob ('72). Our son is living in Vancouver BC. |
12/10/2009 |
Linda (Dance) Orme |
ormefam7 [at] gmail dot com |
We live in Carlsbad, CA - north of San Diego - and have five children and 11 grandkids. |
11/15/2021 |
Daylene M Dewey |
daylened [at] msn dot com |
Retired corporate trainer and part time realtor, Coeur d'Alene Idaho. |
2/26/2022 |
Carl E. Doenitz |
carldoenitz [at] msn dot com |
Starting a new chapter in my life, moving from Syracuse NY, home of the Golden Snowball award with 182" of snow in the winter of 2010-2011, to St Petersburg Fl. |
7/14/2012 |
Debra "Debi" (Dolgoff) Hamill |
dhamill88 [at] gmail dot com |
2/24/2023 |
F. Gray Drewry |
Need Valid Email |
Back in the PNW since 2011, living on Elger Bay, Camano Island with my wife Sue, we have two children, Ristin in LA and Nikol in Manhattan. Still in Love and Life is Good. (only because my wife has a great sense of humor) |
1/8/2023 |
Rachel (Eberlein) LaRoche |
rachel dot laroche [at] gmail dot com |
Living in NE Seattle for the past 40 years, with my husband John LaRoche. We have one daughter and 3 wonderful grandkids. Still in touch with many Grads from the Class of ’73. |
2/7/2023 |
Gordon E. Edgar |
cyber2thdr [at] aol dot com |
Splitting time between Honolulu and Seattle with my wife Toni. We enjoy skiing, golfing, and spending time with our two grand children. |
1/5/2011 |
Heidi Ekstrand |
hekstrand [at] kpunet dot net |
Still enjoying life (and retirement!) in Ketchikan, Alaska. |
2/7/2023 |
Michael P Erwin |
erwinster [at] gmail dot com |
Happily divorced with two sons 28 and 30 years old. Living in Ballard. |
6/7/2018 |
Jan R Fisher |
PokerFish [at] gmail dot com |
Still living in Las Vegas since 1977. It's all good... am involved in all facets of poker and also charity ventures with PokerGives.org among others. Looking forward to the 2023 reunion and hope to be available then! |
11/19/2021 |
Bob Fordice |
bobbay [at] comcast dot net |
8/3/2005 |
James P "Jim" Hanke |
Jimhank114 [at] msn dot com |
2/7/2023 |
Wendy (Harness) Gage |
wendy [at] planman dot com |
Bill and I become empty-nesters in June 2010 when John joins the Stanford basketball team. Emily started UW in fall 2009. Vashon Island is still home. I'm looking into getting my masters at the Center for Creative Change at Antioch University in Seattle. |
12/6/2009 |
Vanessa N. (Haslam) Ness |
vpixie11 [at] msn dot com |
Living in West Seattle, married, 2 children, 1 grand child. Design Engineer at WSDOT for 29 years, almost ready for retirement. Yeaaaaa! |
8/17/2013 |
Duane C. Hauer |
hanai76 [at] outlook dot com |
11/26/2024 |
Bonnie (Henry) Bowie |
bonbowie [at] gmail dot com |
Live in Bellevue with husband Webb; two kids. I am a professor at Seattle University, College of Nursing. |
7/13/2012 |
Heidi Henson |
barefootheidi [at] mindspring dot com |
Living in Gig Harbor, Washington |
12/24/2009 |
Sheilah M. (Horman) Napp |
smhorman [at] yahoo dot com |
Still married, still one son, living in Idaho since 2014, now happily retired. |
2/7/2023 |
Christopher Hughes |
motoclass [at] yahoo dot com |
Living in Spokane, WA |
4/3/2015 |
Debra (Hutchens) Bennett |
aaatcmf [at] msn dot com |
Living in Puerto Vallarta Mexico with my husband of 36 years. I have one son, 3 stepchildren, 7 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren. |
7/3/2024 |
Charlene (Ikeda) Pimentel |
Prncesscgp [at] aol dot com |
Mercer Island, WA |
8/3/2005 |
Koichi Ito |
nkana1291 [at] gmail dot com |
Hello Jim, Anita, Joel,
This is Koichi... Living now in Kochi (Shikoku Island) Japan... Im going to Seattle July next month... Will stay in Seattle area Jul-8th to 24th... I would very much like to have a reunion get together with you !! Play shogi and golf, go to Mariners game, or have a wine with you on lake union ! Please do let me know if you can be in Seattle area during Jul-8th to 24th !! |
6/23/2019 |
Bill Jandl |
bpjandl [at] msn dot com |
3/28/2016 |
Gary Kaufmann |
garylkaufmann [at] yahoo dot com |
Everett, WA |
1/11/2022 |
Christine E "Chris" Kollen |
lizzykollen [at] comcast dot net |
Married and live in Tucson, AZ for past 25 yrs |
4/9/2009 |
Karl Lampman |
lampmank [at] charter dot net |
Live in Denton, Texas |
6/5/2008 |
Bev (Lange) Kushell |
bKushell [at] yahoo dot com |
Issaquah, WA |
8/3/2005 |
Bev (Langstaff) Whippo |
bevwhippo [at] yahoo dot com |
Living in North Bend, WA. |
11/18/2021 |
Marc W Lebhart |
mwlebhart [at] outlook dot com |
3/14/2011 |
Marilyn (Levy) Ryan |
designmjr [at] comcast dot net |
Kirkland |
1/8/2010 |
Kevin Lewis |
kevinlewis007 [at] comcast dot net |
Seattle, WA |
10/3/2005 |
Kim E (Lewis) Merrick |
eloise55 [at] gmail dot com |
Moved to Yelm in 2015 to teach third grade, retired to Sequim in 2021. |
2/19/2023 |
Marilyn (McClellan) White |
Marejw [at] yahoo dot com |
Married to Ted, QA '71. |
2/7/2023 |
Douglas McElroy |
Need Valid Email |
Missing all of my classmates! Hope you are all well. |
4/4/2024 |
Laureen "Renie" (Mifflin) Davis |
laureenda [at] gmail dot com |
2/7/2023 |
Drew C. Miller |
dmiller63jr [at] earthlink dot net |
Returned to the beautiful Pacific NW (Ridgefield, near Vancouver WA) and I'm now happily retired. |
11/15/2021 |
Yves Mizrahi |
yves [at] mizrahistrategies dot com |
Seattle, WA |
10/16/2007 |
Patti A "Patti" (Moehring) Burke |
pburke8000 [at] aol dot com |
: I am living in Everson, WA with my husband of 45 years. We have 2 married sons and a daughter who is engaged, as well as six grandchildren. We are busy with family and friends, church activities, volunteer activities, attending our grandchildren's games as well as some travel. I still have family in Seattle and we visit often. |
2/7/2023 |
Akiko "Kiko" (Morioka) Suzuki |
akizuki [at] m01 dot itscom dot net |
Now back in Tokyo, Japan. If you are in the city and having difficulties and in need of help, please contact me. |
6/30/2006 |
Paul Mushkin |
shymaster [at] comcast dot net |
8/3/2005 |
Susan J. "Sue" (Neal) Burke |
susanjoyburke [at] live dot com |
Bellevue, WA |
1/8/2010 |
Tom Neill |
tom [at] thomasneill dot com |
Now semi-retired, living in Ballard |
11/15/2021 |
Dorie Nussbaum |
doire55 [at] msn dot com |
hello so its now March 2016 a lot of changes, I lost my dear Jim in Oct 2014, darn alcohol and his addiction took his life at age 70. We were together almost 40 years, very sad for me and kinda wish I had made a different path for my life but O well, living as well as I can at 61, still live in West Seattle and I hope to stay here and have 2 cats only down from many more haha
Hope to see all my class mates at the next mini reunion in September |
3/28/2016 |
Leslie (Pannell) Stockdale |
wayleslie [at] frontier dot com |
Enjoyed seeing so many classmates at our 50th reunion. Such a fun weekend! Thanks again to our awesome reunion committee! |
7/3/2024 |
Michael Richards |
mkrichards3 [at] att dot net |
2/7/2023 |
Mary I (Ridgeway) Walls |
beenchie [at] hotmail dot com |
Living in Texas-come back to visit family when I can. 2 daughters still living here and 8 grandchildren + 2 step grands all still here keeping me busy. |
11/10/2009 |
Jane L (Rooney) Stensland |
janestensland [at] msn dot com |
Married to husband Jim 45 years (1977); five grandkids (ages 2 months to 13 years, three boys and two girls); moved from Redmond house after 43 years, in January, 2022, to Chesapeake, VA. 39 year real estate agent and LPN since 2014. |
2/7/2023 |
Mary E (Rossi) Wilson |
mwilsonqa [at] hotmail dot com |
1/8/2010 |
Stephen C Running |
steverunning [at] yahoo dot com |
Whidbey Island |
9/18/2011 |
Jung H. (Shin) Kim |
junghaekim01 [at] gmail dot com |
Live in Los Angeles, California, working for Los Angeles Unified School District since 1980 as a teacher, coordinator, program advisor, assistant principal, and principal.
Received recognition, commendation awards from California Member of Congress, State Senator, State Assembly Member, Los Angeles Mayor and President of South Korea.
Past president of Korean American Educator's Association and Korean Women's International Network, Vice-President of Peaceful Unification Advisory Council, Los Angeles Chapter, Board Member of International Korean Educators' Network. |
11/15/2021 |
Gayle (Sprague) O'Donnell |
gayleodonnell1 [at] gmail dot com |
Living in Renton, WA with my husband, Jim, and our two cats. Working as an Intake social worker for Child Protective Services, and have been home-based since the start of Covid-19. |
11/19/2021 |
Len "Eric" Stacy |
stacyericpamela [at] gmail dot com |
Retired; married 40+ years to the same Cincinnati gal; 2 children & 5 grandchildren. |
11/15/2021 |
Karen Jean Staley |
kjkirk5060 [at] hotmail dot com |
3/12/2016 |
Howie W Stalwick |
Need Valid Email |
My wife, Jennifer, and I continue to enjoy retirement in our hometown of Spokane. Our lives became one heck of a lot more exciting and busy one year ago when our incredible grandson, Rome Jagger Wardenaar -- special name for a special kid! -- moved from Portland to Spokane with his parents. |
11/26/2024 |
Debra K. Stebbins |
sewwhat55 [at] hotmail dot com |
4/19/2012 |
Diane (Stief) Burton |
dianeellenb [at] aol dot com |
living in edmonds |
1/17/2010 |
Brian J. Supalla |
Need Valid Email |
Married high school sweetheart Marlene Brown; we're in northern Arizona now. |
12/18/2010 |
Ken Tackett |
KTACK174 [at] Comcast dot net |
3/6/2006 |
Cathy J Thiem |
cjthiem [at] yahoo dot com |
3/24/2008 |
Jay A Thompson |
jtguns42 [at] gmail dot com |
Moved to TX. Miss being up on the hill visiting friends and parents. |
12/7/2022 |
Janis L "Lynn" (Van Dusen) Forester |
l4ster [at] hotmail dot com |
Living in Claremont, California since 1975. I am now retired from Claremont High School. Have 4 married children, 7 granddaughters 3 grandsons and the same great husband I married 40 years ago. |
2/8/2023 |
Kathy L. (Wright) Schumer |
kshoom8 [at] gmail dot com |
Have been married since 1975. Have 3 grown kids and 3 grandkids. Just moved to South Everett after living 30 years in the same house near Mill Creek, WA. |
6/29/2024 |
Curtis S "Curt" Yamamoto |
curtyamamoto [at] yahoo dot com |
10/6/2005 |
Howard L. Young |
Need Valid Email |
Have gone back to school for yet another degree, can't seem to stop going to school, this one will be for an RN license and I'll be joining my wife as a nurse. I suspect this will be my last career change. When finished i have been giving much thoughto coming back home. Have to see how that goes. Would love to get into the golf tourneys as I have had a lot of time to play golf here in the desert. |
8/3/2005 |
Mark, A Zorich |
mzorich [at] comcast dot net |
Use same site for Kimberly (Newell) Zorich. |
3/12/2009 |