Sunshine "Sunny" (Armstrong) Hanson |
sunny77us [at] comcast dot net |
12/25/2015 |
Kathryn R (Arndt) Akita |
akitakathryn [at] gmail dot com |
1/14/2025 |
Rebecca S Arnold |
beccaa [at] pm dot me |
5/12/2023 |
John G Beauchamp |
johnb [at] inbox dot lv |
Only student to have attended faculty meeting (Bill [Butler] was surprised to see that I had taken his chair)
First student to call all faculty members by their first name- including Bill [Butler]. Only student to have pushed faculty towards an Open Campus program ('74), And World Champion Frisbee Distance 96.5 yards '74. |
5/21/2024 |
Steve Berg |
sberg [at] naeh dot org |
Moved after sophomore year. Now living in DC area. Went through Magnolia Elem. and Blaine Jr. High. |
8/3/2005 |
Tom Bol |
slowwater514 [at] aol dot com |
10/18/2013 |
Linda K. (Brice) Doyle |
ldoyle3811 [at] gmail dot com |
5/30/2008 |
Jon Brumbach |
retreat7 [at] isomedia dot com |
Class of 1974, but graduated early. (entered QA in 1971 as part of the class of 1974 - skipped my senior year graduating with the class of 1973. Bet you don’t have too many like me!). |
6/23/2023 |
Rick F. Buchheit |
cdafour dot rb [at] gmail dot com |
Living in Coeur D Alene, ID. Recently divorced and remarried to a Canadian from Edmonton, Alberta. Future residence TBD |
3/16/2017 |
Stan Burwell |
stanburwell [at] hotmail dot com |
Edmonds |
6/15/2006 |
Cyndi J (Carlson) Parlin |
cjparlin [at] gmail dot com |
Live in Marysville, WA. Retired from Lakewood School district. Currently an Administrative Assistant/Accounts receivable clerk for Smokey Point Concrete/Skagit Readymix. |
2/19/2023 |
Grant R. Clayton |
gclayton [at] chcpat dot com |
Grant is a Registered Patent Attorney with Clayton, Howarth & Cannon, P.C. an IP boutique law firm based in the suburban area of Salt Lake City, Utah. Grant and his colleagues provide all aspects of intellectual property and technology law representation including patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret representation to clients in all regions of the U.S. and all over the world. |
3/28/2016 |
Vicky L Copher |
smallonebear [at] yahoo dot com |
10/26/2010 |
Megan "Meegan" (Danby) Ostler |
megd51 [at] gmail dot com |
Married and living in Allyn WA. 1 stepson graduate of MIT
6/2/2014 |
Marshall "Scott" Douglas |
scott dot douglas149 [at] yahoo dot com |
Have moved to Vader, Wa. |
2/7/2023 |
Opal (Dowell) Fernandez |
Opallapo [at] comcast dot net |
Maple Valley, WA |
8/3/2005 |
Debbie (Drexel) Slotvig |
debslotvig [at] hotmail dot com |
8/3/2005 |
Lani G (Duncan) Glasser |
ld dot glasser [at] gmail dot com |
Left Kirkland in 2016 after 27 years and moved to Everett. |
6/18/2018 |
Sue (Erwin) Felix |
suefelix8 [at] gmail dot com |
Married, living in Sequim, Wa.....traveling and playing pickleball are my passions. |
11/15/2021 |
Renee C "Renee" Evans |
humingbead [at] gmail dot com |
Life is very good! |
8/13/2009 |
Peggy (Gjerset) Campbell |
notmargret [at] hotmail dot com |
Still in Seattle, still having fun |
1/7/2009 |
Judy (Hammack) Clup |
newspiritjc [at] hotmail dot com |
4/4/2008 |
Gregory Hanson |
tmesis [at] msn dot com |
Moved to Issaquah after sophomore year.
Living near Seward Park in Seattle |
7/15/2012 |
Shelley D Hartman |
shealenic65 [at] yahoo dot com |
Retired from the Federal Government as an Air Traffic Controller for almost 38 years. Living in Port Orchard, Washington and doing as much international traveling as possible. Single with 2 grown kids, no grandchildren. Open to hearing from classmates! |
2/7/2023 |
Henry Heerschap |
henry [at] heerschap dot com |
Married to Lauren (Haight) Heerschap '75. Living in Shoreline, WA. |
3/27/2016 |
Mark W. Holcomb |
mwhenterprise [at] aol dot com |
Hi QA's, I have moved to sunny calf. where I will no longer rust, I will tan!
Lake Elsinore is where I call my home now. This is 30 min. east of Dana Point, and 60 miles north of San Diego. I still drive truck for LOWE'S, still married 25yr's., still have 4 kids, and yes I still have a boat or two. I am looking forward to our reunion and seeing all of you that come to it. |
8/3/2005 |
Mark F Horman |
ak1doorservice [at] yahoo dot com |
in alaska since 1984 |
8/24/2011 |
David B Howard |
dbeach41 [at] hotmail dot com |
living in Beaumont Texas, love the sunny warm days here. |
3/18/2012 |
John F. James |
Reord [at] msn dot com |
Hi, everyone. Hope to see ya at #40. I was never a math-whiz; but isn't 40 more than twice the age of a Senior in HS?
LOL!! |
2/16/2014 |
Cheryl (Johnson) Ross |
cherylross605 [at] gmail dot com |
12/9/2008 |
Anne M. (Johnston) Jacobs |
djacobs9987 [at] msn dot com |
9/26/2008 |
Eileen (Kearley) Blake |
teandtblake [at] msn dot com |
Seattle, WA |
8/3/2005 |
John F. Koch |
chefrainbow [at] yahoo dot com |
Happy,Happy,Happy! Principles before Personalities. |
12/25/2013 |
James "Tom" Lange |
lange dot j [at] comcast dot net |
Seattle |
1/30/2024 |
Laurie (LaPoe) Beaver |
Laurie dot beaver [at] comcast dot net |
Once a Grizzly always a Grizzly! |
7/20/2019 |
Cameron M Leuthy |
cmleuthy [at] gmail dot com |
Only get back to Seattle once a year but miss the mountains. QA gave me a great start, confidence boost for which I'm grateful. Have had a great career in D.C. in and out of federal govt. as a national security/budget expert. Now semi-retired, writing and editing part-time for a budget-related consulting firm. Wife Jennifer is an operatic soprano. |
2/7/2023 |
Joanne (Lewadnuk) O'Dwyer |
jlodwyer [at] yahoo dot com |
Residing in beautiful North Idaho for the past 20 years. Married to Roger, with 4 grown children. |
8/3/2005 |
Carl M Lovgren |
jclovgren [at] comcast dot net |
Living in Edmonds with wife Jennifer kids Karly 12 and Brenna 5. Also playing in 80's rock band. All mixed up. |
2/17/2012 |
Pamela B. "Pam" Maas |
pamelabelle11 [at] gmail dot com |
Looking forward to catching up with you at our 40 year reunion. |
12/27/2013 |
Michael B. Mayhle |
atiagency [at] msn dot com |
5/9/2014 |
Lori A (Medley) Reinhall |
lareinhall [at] hotmail dot com |
Currently living near Leschi Marina in Seattle. |
12/6/2006 |
Alice M "Alice" Miller |
miller-gt [at] hotmail dot com |
Chelan has been home since 1983, married to Mike, 2 adult sons
3/29/2016 |
Darrel D. Montzingo |
darrelmontzingo [at] gmail dot com |
Retired after 39 years of teaching in the Seattle Schools:1st 12 years Adaptive PE Specialist all through the Northend K-12 and the last 18 years at Roosvelt HS in Physical Ed. Also, coaching Men & Women's golf for 22 years and Women's gymnastics for 3 years.
10 years of Adjunct teaching at Western Washington & Seattle Pacific Univ. in P. E. Methods for Elementary teachers. |
11/16/2021 |
Nancy J. (Murray) Rowland |
nancyrowland00 [at] gmail dot com |
Retired. Living in Shoreline, WA |
12/23/2021 |
Melody (Nichols) Stenerson |
stenersonmel [at] yahoo dot com |
Manson, WA |
8/3/2005 |
Lynne M (Nutley) Hunter |
Lynne [at] Nutley dot org |
Just completed homeschooling our 5th and final son. Still active in our church, play on a women's volleyball team, and teach at a homeschool co-op. |
7/12/2019 |
Carol L (Passtelyak) Willis |
cmclwillis [at] outlook dot com |
2/14/2024 |
Robert "Bob" Peterson |
seattlesfavorite [at] hotmail dot com |
Living in Federal Way. Went to QA in 72 & 73. 74 at Interlake in Bellevue. |
7/27/2014 |
David O. Rice |
drice4444 [at] me dot com |
San Antonio, TX |
4/23/2009 |
Edward D "Ed" Robinson |
robinsonranch1 [at] att dot net |
Live in Barnesville, GA now. |
3/29/2016 |
Sharon A Ross |
rahssharo [at] gmail dot com |
Just made the "big move" and have settled in San Diego. Love it here, it's always nice! |
10/14/2023 |
Patty Sawyer |
patty dot ethen [at] gmail dot com |
Moved to Edmonds 2021. Loving it here so far. |
11/15/2021 |
Melanie J. "Mel" (Sceva) Hill |
mulberry_wa [at] yahoo dot com |
Divorced after 20 yr marriage, living on Whidbey Island (and probably always will). Graduated from UW 1986 with a BS Mechanical Engineering degree but traded in the high stress commuter life working for WSDOT to live a more quiet, lower stress life on the island, raising alpacas, spinning yarn from their fleece, weaving and other fiber arts crafts. One daughter, Kassandra Althea Hill, born 1992. Recently (about 2011) I got back into horses after a 30 year gap! Not so much fiber art these days. Lots of trail riding and some Western Games/Patterned Speed Horse Racing competition as well. Got to ride while I still can! Find me on Facebook (Melanie J. Sceva Hill)! |
11/26/2024 |
Robert "Bob" Seay |
robertseay [at] comcast dot net |
Retired, living in Washougal, WA. Wife Linda. Daughter Laura. Hobby: guitar |
11/15/2021 |
Paul J. Sharron |
pbjsharron [at] hotmail dot com |
Hellooooooo everyone! |
5/17/2009 |
Ric Shrewsbury |
ric [at] weslandllc dot com |
Retired and loving it, I should have done it years ago |
8/25/2018 |
Gary R Sprague |
Spraguegr [at] gmail dot com |
Retired (mostly) October 2018. Two daughters, one graduated from UW 2010. My wife Lisa, is an RN. |
8/16/2010 |
Jolene (Steck) Lynch |
jnslynch [at] comcast dot net |
8/10/2009 |
Cynthia Taylor |
Need Valid Email |
Remember that really smart, funny, pretty girl? I had the locker right next to hers. |
1/4/2025 |
Rick Van Hollebeke |
rickyrick1956 [at] gmail dot com |
Settled living in Mukilteo, WA (Old Town). Retired from Boeing as a Manufacturing Engineer. My time is spent with Family, Stock Market Investing, Golfing, Traveling, Volunteering. |
2/7/2023 |
Steve Wallin |
stwallin [at] verizon dot net |
Lewisville, TX. Retired and chasing 3 grandkids |
3/6/2024 |
Diane L (Webber) McIntosh |
dianemcin50 [at] gmail dot com |
6/30/2011 |
Aileen Wedvik |
aileen dot wedvik [at] gmail dot com |
Married, one daughter, nurse practitioner. Live in Edgewood (right next to Puyallup) |
2/21/2010 |
Nancy A (Wood) Lebhart |
marcnancy [at] bellsouth dot net |
3/14/2011 |
Jack L Wright |
graywolfkayak [at] gmail dot com |
3/28/2016 |
Stan Yantis |
stansyantis [at] gmail dot com |
After 43 wonderful years of teaching music I now work at the UW with the Husky Marching Band. |
2/7/2023 |