Queen Anne High School Class Page  

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Class Information

CLASS COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM: To see your graduation program, click here.

Classmate Status

NEARBY CLASSMATES: To find classmates living nearby, by the country, state & city/town, click here.

DECEASED CLASSMATES: To view a listing of your deceased classmates so as to be able to honor dear friends, click here.

MISSING CLASSMATES: Help us find our missing classmates! To view your classmates for whom we have no current contact information, click here.

Voluntary Web Directory

Many alumni have requested an e-mail directory so as to be able to contact "lost" friends. We hope to enable many side conversations and some mini-reunions.

Wary of "spamming," the QAHSAA Board has agreed to provide such a directory with the reservations that only those who complete the Directory Sign-up Form or e-mail us with express permission to post their names and e-mail addresses will be added to the directory. Please use the sign-up form to also make corrections (such as e-mail changes) or to remove yourself. To return to the main Directory page, click here.

NOTE: To send an e-mail to a classmate, replace the " [at] " in the listed e-mail address with a "@" and replace the " dot " with "." to make the e-mail address valid. This has been done to reduce SPAM.

Name E-mail Address Comment Updated
Julie A (Alin) Perreault juliealin [at] hotmail dot com 10/18/2009
Mary Allenbach reggioallenbach [at] gmail dot com 3/1/2009
Nicole (Altschull) Wortley wortleyzoo [at] outlook dot com 6/13/2022
Ken "Kayo" Anderson running262 [at] hotmail dot com Graduated Mechanical Engineering UW in '86 and MBA UW in '03. Live in Bothell, worked for a large aerospace company since 1986. I have 3 Sons. My Oldest (Sean) is as WSU, my second oldest James is at the UW (House Divided) and Harry, my youngest, is at Inglemoor HS. 2/27/2014
Dayna J (Banford) Reid silver_charm_2 [at] yahoo dot com 10/20/2007
Dan Bogart dsbogey3 [at] comcast dot net 8/16/2010
Bill Burkland shawn-burkland [at] comcast dot net 8/3/2005
Ronald D "Ron" Camp ronald dot campii [at] unbc dot ca Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics (and of the Faculty of Human and Health Sciences) at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, BC. Involved in research on organizational factors associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Injuries in first responders. Married 35 years with two kids and two grandkids. 11/16/2021
Lephuong "Fong" (Chau) Mendoza Lephuongmendoza [at] hotmail dot com 2/21/2008
Diane (Clary) Mundy mundy dot diane [at] gmail dot com 1/12/2015
Angela L "Angie" (Cloudman-Bowman) Beaulac abeaulac [at] aol dot com Although I only attended very briefly, I remember many former classmates - mostly from Blaine Jr. High. Would love to hear from you. 2/3/2007
Tim A Crow timacrow [at] comcast dot net Living in Magnolia.
Worked as a recording engineer at Muzak until they moved out of state, then worked in the IT department at Premera Blue Cross and now at Molina Healthcare.
EDNA (DELA CRUZ) SANOY iesanoy [at] yahoo dot com 2/2/2010
Anthony C. "Tony" Eayrs skylineace [at] comcast dot net Married 15 years to a knockout, two handsome boys 5 & 12, working for King County Int'l Airport in govt. finance. UW grad-class of '86-Go Huskies! Wishing Grizzlies all the best... 7/15/2008
Jenny (Fowler) Smith jenfsmith [at] me dot com 3/15/2011
Fr. Pat Freitag father dot freitag [at] gmail dot com Greetings in the name of the Lord! God called and led me out of corporate America to proclaim salvation and sanctify souls in the name of Jesus as a Catholic priest since 1996. I am currently the pastor of St. Monica, Mercer Is. Come see me sometime. All QA Grizzlies and their families are welcome! 10/31/2015
Sara (Gerstner) Koehler sara4k [at] outlook dot com 8/5/2009
Todd G. Hagan toddhagan61 [at] gmail dot com 6/14/2011
Julie (Hasson) Chin JHasson1 [at] aol dot com Shoreline, WA 8/3/2005
Jasmine Hatami jhatami [at] mac dot com 1/23/2011
Christopher L "Chris" Holmes thehardway5 [at] icloud dot com All's well, self employed for 25 yrs. now working for the county for 10 yrs. Blessed with 3 children. Oldest child is now a Doctor, middle baby is 5th grade school teacher, my son attends Bellevue College. Yes, it's a wonderful life 1/25/2017
John Lagazo Need Valid Email * Greetings All! I have been in Michigan for the last few years, working as an independent hospitality consultant (open to finding a permanent position). 1/8/2023
Kevin Lyons Need Valid Email Marysville, WA 8/3/2005
Whitney Mason whitneymason [at] comcast dot net 11/16/2021
Sandra Mattingly sandnsun808 [at] gmail dot com Came to Honolulu in 1980 and fell in love with the Islands.
Living near Waikiki Beach at Diamond Head and love having my Son here too, he was born here in 1983.
20 yr Cancer survivor, Mahalo Nui God! Working in Real Estate as a Financial accountant, never married and very grateful for each day and extremely blessed.
Mardie A (McMullin) Spalinger Mardie4 [at] gmail dot com Married, two son's, business owner and big game hunter in Laurel Montana. 9/7/2011
Gloria J "Glo" (Modica) Prinz socihairstudio [at] aol dot com I still live in Seattle. Was married now divorced. I have two wonderful boys Jesse 16 and Brandon 13, they are the loves of my life! I own a salon in Greenlake called Soci hair studio. The salon has been there 10 years can't believe it. Hi to everyone. 5/8/2009
Kenneth "Kenny" Nollan kennynollan [at] gmail dot com Greetings from Sunny Florida! Married to Kim for 29 years; 3 children, 24,21,18. I have been with Young Life for 29 years In Seattle, Michigan and now running our global college ministry. Lots of ups and downs but I love my family and have dear friends. Go Dawgs! 1/13/2019
Matt Ohlinger mattohlinger [at] msn dot com Superintendent for Mill Creek Development. Living in Edmonds. Two children & 3 granddaughters (10, 7, & 1). Officiating Hockey & mentoring Youth Hockey officials in the Greater Seattle area since 99'.
Go Grizzlies
Marci E (Packard) Walden mwalden [at] spu dot edu I live in Magnolia and work at Seattle Pacific University, married Dennis Walden and have two kids; Jeffrey 13 & Christina 3-1/2. No longer married to Dennis Walden. And my kids are Jeffrey currently 30 years old and Christina currently 21 years old as of February 2023. 2/7/2023
Peggy Paul peggypaul7 [at] comcast dot net 5/18/2009
Suzanne M "Sue" (Schuller) Allen sueallen12 [at] outlook dot com 11/16/2021
Janet Smith smithjanetc [at] yahoo dot com Woodinville, Wa 8/3/2005
DOUGLAS B "Blake" Steward Need Valid Email Married to Eva since 1993. Two kids, ages 10 & 13. Living in Modesto, CA since 1998. Dallas, TX from 1990-1998. Life is good. 2/25/2010
Lois M (Waliser) Shastany Loismsh [at] aol dot com 5/17/2009
Lori R (Waterbury) Bulis blbulis [at] aol dot com Retired Stenographer and Real Estate. Now volunteer with the Red Cross and seniors. No children, I was kind of selfish that way. Took 3 husbands but my husband of 18 yrs and I travel mostly now. I'm loving this age. Oh, living on Lobo Golf Course, Dutch Hill, Snohomish. Would love to hear from you. Thanks, Karen 2/7/2010
Karen E (Weschler) Kennedy fourkennedys [at] hotmail dot com Greetings from upstate NY. I'm teaching 1st grade, enjoying my terrific family and hope all is well with friends from QA. 8/10/2009
Theresa R "Terri" (Westvang) Williams theresa dot williams62 [at] yahoo dot com Currently living in Louisiana. Vice President, CNO of major hospital. 3 children and one grandchild on the way. 4/10/2009
Karen C "Carmel" (Wowaras) Dennis seahawkdenn [at] aol dot com Living in South FLorida with my husband Kirk and woud love to hear from you. 11/10/2009
Laurie M (Wright) Angell laurie_angell [at] msn dot com I have been married for 31 years and have 4 kids and 3 grandkids. We live in Lynnwood. 6/3/2010