KUAY Newsletters
We are putting each newsletter on the Web site in PDF format
so that you can read/print the KUAY online, and so that
those alumni living abroad will have the opportunity to read
each issue of the Alumni Association's very popular The
KUAY. Those foreign-resident alumni who wish to receive the
actual paper version may arrange with the Association to
prepay the required postage. E-mail us to make the
We do have an archive of the all years of the alumni
newsletter since the school closed. We now have in our
online library those newsletters since the year 2000. As we
add each winter and summer newsletter, we will expand the
size of our online archive,
Email us.
We have put on site two issues of the KUAY from 1910,
historic issues. Thanks to donations, we have two issues of
the KUAY from 1910 that you can see here. Take a look back
in time.
Since these are in PDF format, Acrobat Reader is necessary
to open the files. If you already have Adobe Acrobat Reader
on your computer, just click on the desired issue from the
If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader, click on the Adobe
Acrobat icon below to reach the Adobe Welcome page and
follow the instructions to download the latest free edition
of Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Unrestricted Donation
Scholarship Donation