Our Queen
Who Gave Their Lives In Vietnam
Donald McNeil
WO U S Army
Class of 1965
Football, Varsity Basketball, Cantorians, Queen's Men, Student Council Rep.
Died: May 9, 1968
Morning resupply mission south of DMZ, northeast of Dong Ha. Flying between tree lines running north to south. Flew over tree line manned by NVA unit. Heavy fire shot off tailboom and aircraft crashed between the NVA position and 1 Cav position, an infantry unit receiving 152 mm artillery fire from North Vietnam across DMZ. Grunts got to crash which was on fire. Both pilots (WO1 Mark D. Young and WO1 Donald K. McNeil) were killed. Crewchief and doorgunner were rescued. WO1 Young was flying, when hit radioed 'I'm hit.' WO1 McNeil took control. Ship came apart. That night grunts set up an ambush between the two treelines near crash site. Killed 35 NVA and captured 1 NVA 2LT